CS 480/680 Environment Setup

Setting up Eclipse & JOGL-2.0

For the lab sessions, we will be using Eclipse as our Integrated Development Environment (IDE). JDK and Eclipse have already been installed on the lab machines. To set up the environment on your own machine, you need to first install   JDK   and   Eclipse. Then follow the steps below, as we shall do on the lab machines in the first lab session.

Step 1. Open Eclipse

Double click the Eclipse icon on the desktop, and a window will pop up, asking you to specify a workspace directory:

workspace directory

Note that all the code you write in Eclipse will be saved to this workspace directory. You may want to select a place in your home directory on the CS cluster instead of a local directory, so that all the settings will be saved after you leave the lab.

Click "OK". Then minimize the Eclipse window for now.

Step 2. Download the Package

Please download the package here, which contains jogl-2.0 jar files for all platforms and the exercise code for the first Lab session. Open this package, and extract the two directories in it to the workspace directory you have just set.

"jogl-2.0" contains all the jogl files you need for most of the platform, and "lab1" contains the exercise code.

Step 3. Set up Jogl-2.0 in Eclipse

Return to the Eclipse window. Select Window->Preferences from the menu to open up the Preferences panel. On the LHS, select Java->Build Path->User Libraries. Click "New..." on the RHS.


A window will pop up to ask for the new library's name. Type "jogl-2.0" as follows, then click "OK".

lib name

After that, you will see the new library's name listed in the center area. Click on it, and click "Add External Jars..." on the RHS. Then go to $workspace$/jogl-2.0/jar/, select all the files in it, and click "Open". Note that these files include some jars for other platforms, which you do not need, but including all the files will not hurt.

select libs

Then the Preferences panel will look like this:

after libs are included

Click "OK" to close the panel.

Step 4. Create a Java Project of Jogl-2.0

Select File->New->Java Project from the menu to open the panel below.
[If you cannot find the "Java Project" option, just select File->New->Project... , and then you can double click the "Java Project" under the "Java" directory in the pop up panel, to open up the following window as well.]
Type in the project name "lab1" and click "Next".

Java Project

Now select the "Libraries" tab, then click "Add Library" on the RHS.

select user libs

Now select "User library", then click "Next".

select lib type

Select "jogl-2.0". Click "Finish" to return to the main panel. 

select jogl

Click "Finish" to close the project creation panel. Our exercise code has been automatically included, we can see that in the Package Explorer of Eclipse. We are ready to go!


To run the code, click the green play button in the toolbar, and choose "lab1" as the main entry point. If a black window is displayed after a few seconds, then setup is completed successfully.