CS 112 Lab 8: Hash functions


Why good hash functions?

In today's lab, we will look at creating hash functions. An hash function takes a data object as input and returns an integer index to a hash table bin, the bin index is computed as a function of the input data.

The number of hash buckets is typically fewer than the number of data objects causing collisions, most bins will contain more than one data object. A good hash function is essential to distribute data uniformly among the bins to gaurantee search performance. A badly designed hash function tends to clump data into a few bins. Since a linear search among objects in a bin is used to find a match, the search performance is drastically affected.

The choice of a good hash funciton depends on the objects being stored and their distribution. The histograms below show bin distributions for a simple hash function. Names of U.S. counties (e.g., "Washington County, Alabama") are used as objects to populate the hash table. The hash function in our example returns ascii value of the first character in the county name modulo the number of hash bins as the bin index. In the first figure, we choose 26 bins. The histogram hence refects the distribution of county names starting with different letters of the alphabet. In the second figure with 65 bins, clumping of data is more apparent. The given hash function is clearly a poor choice for this dataset. Your goal for this lab is to come up with a better hash function to more uniformly distribute the data.

A poor choice of hash function yields more counties clumped into few bins

Today's example and associated tasks

Download class files for the lab below,

  • HashTest.java

    Contains an array of US county names which are used as keys in our dataset to test performance of the hashtable datastructure. Default implementation of a hash function described above is provided in hashFunction().

    Task: modify hashFunction() method to yield a uniform (nearly flat) distribution of counties among the hash bins. Ensure your function yields good results for various number of bins. To change the number of bins click inside the window.

  • Main.java

    This is the client class to test HashTest. It open a graphics window for displaying the histogram



