package lab09; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.text.*; import lab07.BinaryTreeNode; public class BinaryHeap { int [] dataArray; // Array to store heap elements int numData; // Number of nodes in the heap int maxSize = 32; // Size of dataArray public void percolateUp(int nodeIndex) { int nodeData = dataArray[nodeIndex]; int index = nodeIndex; while( true ){ int parent = index/2; /* * Determine if the current node has a valid parent (i.e. parent >= 1) * and parent's node value is larger than nodeData, * assign parent's node value to current node * assign parent index to current 'index'. * else * break the while loop */ } dataArray[index] = nodeData; } public void percolateDown(int nodeIndex) { int nodeData = dataArray[nodeIndex]; int index = nodeIndex; while( true ) { int leftChild = 2*index; int rightChild = 2*index + 1; int smallerChild = 0; /* * Determine which of lefChild and rightChild has smaller node value, * ( call it smallerChild ). * NOTE: * (a) Need to confirm each of the children is valid (i.e. <= numData). * (b) If only leftChild is valid than it is the smaller child. * (c) If both children are invalid then break the while loop. */ /* * If node value of the smallerChild is lesser than nodeData, then * assign smallerChild node value to the current node (i.e. node at 'index'). * update index to smallerChild index. * * Otherwise, break the while loop. */ } dataArray[index] = nodeData; } public void insert(int newValue) { if( numData == maxSize-1 ) { int [] newDataArray = new int[2*maxSize]; for(int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) newDataArray[i] = dataArray[i]; maxSize = 2*maxSize; dataArray = newDataArray; } numData++; dataArray[numData] = newValue; percolateUp(numData); } public int deleteMin() { if( numData < 1 ) return -1; int minValue = dataArray[1]; dataArray[1] = dataArray[numData]; numData--; percolateDown(1); return minValue; } public boolean checkHeapProperty(int nodeIndex){ if( nodeIndex < 1 || nodeIndex > numData ) return false; int nodeData = dataArray[nodeIndex]; LinkedList queue = new LinkedList(); queue.offer(nodeIndex); while(!queue.isEmpty()) { int childIndex = queue.remove().intValue(); if( dataArray[childIndex] < nodeData ) return false; if( 2*childIndex <= numData ) queue.offer(2*childIndex); if( 2*childIndex + 1 <= numData ) queue.offer(2*childIndex + 1); } return true; } public int getNumLevels(){ return (int)Math.ceil(Math.log(numData) / 0.6931471806); } int node_diameter = 40; Point [] node_coordinates; public int getNodeIndexMouseClick( Point clickPoint ) { int radius = node_diameter / 2; for(int i = 1; i <= numData; i++) { Point pt = node_coordinates[i]; if( clickPoint.distance(pt.x + radius, pt.y + radius) < radius ) return i; } return -1; } public void addGraphics(Graphics g, int window_w, int window_h){ int level = 0; int index = 1; int num_level_nodes = 1, this_level_nodes = 0; int x_leaf_step = 45, y_step = 60, x_step = 0; int x_offset = window_w/2; int y_offset = 50; int numMaxLeafNodes = (int)Math.ceil(Math.pow(2, getNumLevels() - 1)); node_coordinates = new Point[numData+1]; while( index <= numData ) { if( checkHeapProperty(index) ) g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); else g.setColor(Color.gray); drawNumberCircle(g, dataArray[index], x_offset, y_offset, node_diameter); node_coordinates[index] = new Point(x_offset, y_offset); if( index != 1 ) { int parent = index/2; drawLine(g, node_coordinates[parent].x, node_coordinates[parent].y, x_offset, y_offset, node_diameter); } x_offset += x_step; index++; this_level_nodes++; if( this_level_nodes == num_level_nodes ) { num_level_nodes = 2*num_level_nodes; this_level_nodes = 0; level++; y_offset += y_step; x_step = numMaxLeafNodes * x_leaf_step / num_level_nodes; x_offset = (window_w - x_step*(num_level_nodes-1))/2; } } } static Random rand = new Random(12345); public BinaryHeap(){ dataArray = new int[maxSize]; numData = rand.nextInt(maxSize); for( int i=0; i < maxSize; i++ ) dataArray[i] = 99999999; for( int i=1; i <= numData; i++ ) dataArray[i] = rand.nextInt(100); } // Draws a circle at coordinates (node_x, node_y) with the node_value inside void drawNumberCircle(Graphics g, int node_value, int node_x, int node_y, int diameter) { g.fillOval( node_x, node_y, diameter, diameter ); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.setFont(new Font("Verdana",Font.BOLD,15)); g.drawString( ""+node_value, node_x + diameter/2 - 12, node_y + diameter/2 +5 ); } // Draws a line between node1 coordinates (node1_x, node1_y) // and node2 coordinates (node2_x, node2_y) void drawLine( Graphics g, int node1_x, int node1_y, int node2_x, int node2_y, int diameter ) { int radius = diameter / 2; int x1 = node1_x + radius; int y1 = node1_y + radius; int x2 = node2_x + radius; int y2 = node2_y + radius; double dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x1 - x2), 2)+Math.pow((y1 - y2), 2)); double alpha1 = radius / dist; double alpha2 = (dist - radius) / dist; int xn1 = (int)(alpha1 * x1 + (1 - alpha1) * x2); int yn1 = (int)(alpha1 * y1 + (1 - alpha1) * y2); int xn2 = (int)(alpha2 * x1 + (1 - alpha2) * x2); int yn2 = (int)(alpha2 * y1 + (1 - alpha2) * y2); g.drawLine(xn1, yn1, xn2, yn2); } }