NetAvi:  Platform independent interface to read image frames from avi, mov, xvid and other DirectShow compatible video formats


This library contains a win32 server app, a standalone client and Matlab client to read image frames from a video file. The client could also be your own app, testNetAvi.cpp will help you with the communication protocol. Since DirectShow is "mostly" avaiable on win32, this library provides a client-server implementation to support different platforms. The server supports multiple clients simulaneously and runs on win32/win64 systems. The client mex files use socket based communication and should compile anywhere, we provide 32 & 64 bit clients for linux and windows.

-- To start the server on win32/win64 system (the precompiled executable is in 'netAvi\netAviClientApp-VisualStudio\Release' and the corresponding visual studio solution is 'netAvi\netAvi-VisualStudio\netAvi.sln'),

         netAviServer.exe <port_number>

Ensure to configure the windows firewall to allow connections to this port.
     Zebedee is a simple means to securely tunnel and compress the communications stream.

Matlab client

-- testNetAvi.m is a simple example. The library usage is as follows,

% To disable display of debugging info
warning( 'off', 'netAvi:info' );

% Open connection to server for given video file
[avi_hdl, avi_inf] = netAviOpen( <full path to video file on windows server
                                               (e.g., 'C:\something\') : string> , ...
                                             <server : string> , <server port_number : double> );
avi_inf contains useful properties of the video

% Read a frame from video
pixmap = netAviReadMex( avi_hdl, < frame_number : double > );

img = reshape( pixmap, [ avi_inf.Height, avi_inf.Width, 3 ] );

...... % more read statements

% close connection to server
netAviCloseMex( avi_hdl );

-- To compile client mex files use mex_cmd.m
     For windows, add -DWIN32 or -DWIN64 to COMPFLAGS in mexopts.bat

Standalone client

-- testNetAvi.cpp is a  command line client to get started with the communicaitons API, gives a rough estimate for the client-server frame rate.
-- To compile, for windows uncomment and run appropriate pair of lines in "testNetAvi-compile.bat", for linux run "". These files are included in the package.

-- To run:
      testNetAvi.exe <server name> <server port> <server video file path (each '\' should be '\\')>


-- If your avi file fails to open: try installing the K-lite codec pack on the server.

-- I've noticed that with some specific codecs, when a video file is open, the server goes into a CPU intensive loop. Serving of frames seems unaffected and the server goes back to its docile mode with netAviCloseMex().

-- Other related non server-client projects: dxAvi and mplayerMex.

tvashwin | @ | cs | bu | edu

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