PhD Student, Real-Time Embedded Systems @
Hello there! Welcome to my homepage.
I'm a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science working as a real-time core system's researcher in the BOSS group led by my adviser, Doctor Who! ... or as most people know him, Professor Richard West. Together we roll our sleeves up everyday and get down to the nitty gritty of designing and building mixed-criticality vehicle management systems in the avionics and automotive domain that are safe, timing predictable and performance efficient. My ultimate goal is to build my very own time-machine....that travels in real-time of-course! But until then, all my research efforts go towards designing next-generation vehicle architectures, which gaurantee execution time predictability, incorporate temporal and spatial isolation for smart resource management, employ efficient fault tolerance and recovery mechanisms against timing and functional failures and last but not the least, have enhanced environmental awareness. I along with my peers @ BU are working towards a better, cleaner and greener world with our vehicle system designs capable of hosting extensible, flexible and adaptable architectural features
My research interests broadly include:
Im currently working towards the design of a timing efficient vehicle control module and a complementary fault-tolerance framework for the DriveOS system as it is implemented within Drako Motors GTE electric car. If you are interested to know more, feel free to drop me an email @ afarrukh [at] bu [dot] edu and I'd be more than happy to followup with all the excrutiating details of my work. What can I say...I love talking research. (Dont say I didnt warn ya!)
I graduated on the Dean's Honors list with a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from my hometown university, Lahore University of Management and Sciences (LUMS) back in Pakistan. At the time I was actively investigating computer architecture designs in hardware. So for my undergrad thesis, I ended up designing a MIPS unicore pipelined processor in VHDL. I then continued my quest for novel hardware systems research until my first year of PhD @ BU when I dabbled in RISC-V before joining Professor West's incredible real-time system's group. I think I've finally found my calling!
Center for Computing and Data Sciences,
Computer Science Department
Boston University
665 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, MA 02215