[CLASSIFIED] Suspect: Aidan Parkhurst

Aidan Parkhurst

Aidan Russell Parkhurst

Class of 2025

Majoring in Computer Science

Short Bio

Born and raised in New Jersey, Aidan Parkhurst now studies Computer Science at Boston University. Through a dastardly combination of web development and boyish charm Aidan plans to take over the world, he must be stopped at all costs! Suspect should be handled with extreme caution, as even momentary exposure to his swag may leave you blind.

Activities and Interests

Activity Motive Related Links


A martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. This is Aidan's primary weapon for world domination, if he figures out how to use it against more than one opponent...

BU's jiujitsu club

Video Game Development

Aidan has been developing video games since he learned how to code. Presumably as some sort of mind control attempt... Maybe just for fun though.

Scary game he made (Loads slow)
Chill arcade game


With family, friends, and foes, Aidan enjoys exploring the great outdoors! One day, he may find the perfect location to construct his evil lair.

Evil lair blueprints