Arooj Kamran

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Name: Arooj

Class Year: Class of 2025

Majors: Political Science and Computer Science


Hello! I'm Arooj. I grew up in Tewksbury, MA but am ethnically Pakistani. I am currently in my final year at Boston University dual majoring in Political Science and Computer Science. I am deeply passionate about how technology influences human rights, both as a tool that can propel progress and a weapon that can exacerbate existing issues.

Activities & Interests

Image Activity Description Links
Activity 1 Scuba I became a certified open water diver in high school and have gone on over 20 dives, including Cozumel, Mexico, and the Great Barrier Reef. Learn more about scuba diving
Activity 2 Travel I have traveled to over 50 countries, exploring diverse cultures and traditions, and gaining new perspectives. Explore travel destinations
Activity 3 Photography Photography allows me to capture and remember the beauty of the places I have visited during my travels. Inspiration for photography