MF 602

Assignment 8

Objective and Overview

Objective: Practice using Pandas to work with time-series data and investment returns.

Overview: In this assignment, you will implement some functions to to help quantify the risk of an investment strategy. In particular, you will implement computations of two risk metrics: the value at risk and the drawdown of an investment.


In your work on this assignment, make sure to abide by the collaboration policies of the course.

For each problem in this problem set, we will be writing or evaluating some Python code. You are encouraged to use the Spyder IDE which will be discussed/presented in class, but you are welcome to use another IDE if you choose.

If you have questions while working on this assignment, please post them on Piazza! This is the best way to get a quick response from your classmates and the course staff.

Important Guidelines: Comments and Docstrings

  • Refer to the class Coding Standards for important style guidelines. The grader will be awarding/deducting points for writing code that comforms to these standards.

  • Every program file must begin with a descriptive header comment that includes your name, username/BU email, and a brief description of the work contained in the file.

  • Every function must include a descriptive docstring that explains what the function does and identifies/defines each of the parameters to the function.

NumPy Programming Toolkit

This assignment will require the (free) NumPy toolkit of numeric programming tools.

If you are using Anaconda/Spyder, this package is already installed for you. If you are not using Spyder, you will need to install it yourself. The easiest way to install this is by running the pip command at the shell (i.e., the Terminal on Mac).

pip3 install numpy scipy matplotlib pandas

For alternative installation instructions, see:

Task 1: Quantifying Investment Risk, Part 1: Value at Risk

50 points; individual-only

Value at Risk is a measure of how much (in dollars or percentage) we expect an investment to lose if a very bad series of events occurs over a given time horizon. For example, if things go really badly, how much would we lose in 10 days?

There are many methods to calculate the value at risk, but a common approach is to assume approximately normally distributed investment returns and to construct a confidence level about how bad a loss we might sustain over a given time horizon.

Do this entire task in a file called

  1. Write a function compute_model_var_pct(mu, sigma, x, n) to compute the value at risk as a percentage of the asset/portfolio value.

    The function must return the value at risk as a floating point number.

    This version of the Value at Risk estimate will use a model of the asset’s returns, assuming a normal distribution of daily returns, described by the parameters mu (the mean daily rate of return) and sigma (the daily standard deviation of returns).

    The function parameters x and n are used to calibrate the estimate of VaR for the confidence level that the maximum loss during the number of days will not be exceeded. In words, we want to be x percent confident of our maximum (percentage) loss over the course of n consecutive days.

    Here is an example of using this function call:

    # estimate the 10-day VaR (98% confidence) 
    # using a mean daily return of 0.0008 and standard deviaton of 0.01
    >>> compute_model_var_pct(0.0008, 0.01, 0.98, 10)
    # estimate the 14-day VaR (97% confidence) 
    # using a mean daily return of 0.001 and standard deviaton of 0.015
    >>> compute_model_var_pct(0.001, 0.015, 0.97, 14)

    Note: the value Z is a quantity of standard deviations corresponding to the confidence level. Use the function scipy.stats.norm.ppf(p), where p corresponds to the probability of an event outside the confidence level, e.g. p = 1 - x.

  2. Write the compute_historical_var_pct(returns, x, n), to compute the VaR (as a percentage) using the historical simulation approach.

    The function must return the value at risk as a floating point number.

    The parameter returns is a Pandas Series containing historical daily stock returns, with a date index.

    The function parameters x and n are used to calibrate the estimate of VaR for the confidence level that the maximum loss during the number of days will not be exceeded. In words, we want to be x percent confident of our maximum (percentage) loss over the course of n consecutive days.


    In this function, we must begin by sorting the daily returns. Use the confidence level x to find the nth worst day’s return.

    For example, suppose we have 500 daily returns and we need the 99% confidence level. We will use the rate of return from the 495th worst day, which will exclude the worst outliers. This is our one-day value at risk at the 99% confidence level.

    For a multi-day VaR calculation, we need to scale this value by the time horizon, i.e.:

    Example 1: Here is some example program output using data from the SPY exchange-traded fund, using 1000 daily returns:

    count    1001.000000
    mean        0.000370
    std         0.011934
    min        -0.115887
    25%        -0.002503
    50%         0.000554
    75%         0.004663
    max         0.086731
    Name: r, dtype: float64
    With compute_historical_var_pct estimate, we are 98% confident 
    that the maximum loss over 7 days would not exceed -7.69%.

    Example 2: Here is some example program output using data from the SPY exchange-traded fund, using 500 daily returns:

    count    501.000000
    mean       0.000153
    std        0.015369
    min       -0.115887
    25%       -0.003538
    50%        0.000599
    75%        0.005502
    max        0.086731
    Name: r, dtype: float64
    With the compute_historical_var_pct estimate, we are 99% confident 
    that the maximum loss over 10 days would not exceed -14.56%.

    Note that the choice of the historical data set has a substantial impact on which data values are used for the nth worst day. Your results might not match these exact values (depending on the data set you use), but they should be close.

Task 2: Quantifying Investment Risk, Part 2: Drawdown

50 points; individual-only

Drawdown is a measure of the loss of value from the most recent maximum value until today. Investors are concerned about the worst-case scenario, and drawdown helps to quantify this worst-case.

For example, here is a chart showing the daily price history (blue line) for GM shares for the calendar year 2017, as well as the previous maximum price (orange line):

An investor who remembers the “high price” of the stock on 2017-10-24, will feel that they have lost value since that price ($41.95). The “drawdown” as of 2017-12-29 is $4.62, i.e., a loss of about 12% from that previous maximum.

Here is another graph of the same time frame, showing the drawdown in percentage terms:

Do this entire task in a file called

  1. Write the function compute_drawdown(prices), which processes a column of asset prices. The parameter prices could be a np.array object (or subclass, e.g., a pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame) containing a column array (n x 1) of asset prices, which we assume to be sequential (i.e. daily).

    The function returns a pandas.DataFrame object containing these columns:
    price, which is a copy of the data in the parameter prices
    prev_max, which contains the previous peak price before this price,
    dd_dollars, which is the drawdown since the previous maximum price, measured in dollars,
    dd_pct, which is the percentage decline since the previous maximum price

    Here is an example of using this function, as well as the last several rows that it produces:

    >>> df = pd.read_csv('/Users/azs/Downloads/GM.csv')
    >>> # set the 'Date' column as index
    >>> df.index = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
    >>> prices = pd.DataFrame(df.loc['2017-01-01':'2017-12-31','Adj Close'])
    >>> # compute drawdown for this one stock
    >>> dd = compute_drawdown(prices)
    >>> dd.describe()       
                price    prev_max  dd_dollars      dd_pct
    count  251.000000  251.000000  251.000000  251.000000
    mean    33.544823   35.603981    2.059158    0.057907
    std      3.635670    3.558961    1.384220    0.038419
    min     28.647619   30.745390    0.000000    0.000000
    25%     30.741016   33.483166    0.859024    0.025709
    50%     32.214863   33.483166    2.078591    0.058816
    75%     36.899145   37.336340    3.217404    0.088337
    max     41.953167   41.953167    4.835547    0.144417
    >>> dd.tail(10)
                price       prev_max  dd_dollars    dd_pct
    2017-12-15  37.298019  41.953167    4.655148  0.110961
    2017-12-18  38.390999  41.953167    3.562168  0.084908
    2017-12-19  38.700676  41.953167    3.252491  0.077527
    2017-12-20  38.728004  41.953167    3.225163  0.076875
    2017-12-21  38.400105  41.953167    3.553062  0.084691
    2017-12-22  38.272587  41.953167    3.680580  0.087731
    2017-12-26  38.072212  41.953167    3.880955  0.092507
    2017-12-27  37.625912  41.953167    4.327255  0.103145
    2017-12-28  37.689667  41.953167    4.263500  0.101625
    2017-12-29  37.334450  41.953167    4.618717  0.110092
  2. Write the function plot_drawdown(df), which will create and show two charts:

    1 - The historical price and previous maximum price.

    2 - The drawdown since previous maximum price as a percentage lost.

    The parameter df, is a pandas.DataFrame object containing these columns:
    price, which is a copy of the data in the parameter prices
    prev_max, which contains the previous peak price before this price
    dd_dollars, which is the drawdown since the previous maximum price, measured in dollars
    dd_pct, which is the percentage decline since the previous maximum price

    (i.e., the same data as the results from the function compute_drawdown(prices)).

    Here is an example of using this function:

    >>> df = pd.read_csv('/Users/azs/Downloads/GM.csv')
    >>> # set the 'Date' column as index
    >>> df.index = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
    >>> prices = pd.DataFrame(df.loc['2008-01-01':'2008-12-31','Adj Close'])
    >>> # compute drawdown for this one stock
    >>> dd = compute_drawdown(prices)
    >>> plot_drawdown(dd)

    The above example produces these graphs:

  1. Write the function run_mc_drawdown_trials(init_price, years, r, sigma, trial_size, num_trials). This function will use the Monte Carlo stock simulation that you wrote in Assignment 7 to simulate the price path evoluation of a stock. Specifically, you will create an instance of the MCStockSimulator class, and run num_trials, and calculate the maximum drawdown from each trial.

    The parameters are: init_price: the initial stock price at time 0 of the simulation,
    years: the number of years the simulation should run
    r: the mean annual rate of return,
    sigma: the standard deviation of annual returns,
    trial_size: the number of discrete steps per year, i.e., number of trading days,
    num_trials: the number of trials to include in this simulation run.

    The function returns a pd.Series object of the trial results (maximum drawdown of each trial).

    To begin, you must add this import statement at the top of your file:

        from a7task1 import MCStockSimulator

    Here is a sample of calling this function. Note that with 100 trials of 2520 periods, this took several minutes to complete. You should begin your testing with smaller numbers, e.g., 10 trials of 12 periods, and check that everything works before increasing the running time requirements.

        >>> # Using historical AAPL prices
        >>> # Using historical AAPL prices
        >>> df = pd.read_csv('/Users/azs/Downloads/AAPL.csv')
        >>> df['ret'] = np.log(df['Adj Close'] / df['Adj Close'].shift(1))    
        >>> trial_size = 252 # trading days/year
        >>> init_price = float(df['Adj Close'].sample())
        >>> r = df['ret'].mean() * trial_size
        >>> sigma = df['ret'].std() * np.sqrt(trial_size)
        >>> years = 10
        >>> num_trials = 100
        >>> max_dd = run_mc_drawdown_trials(init_price,  years, r, sigma, trial_size, num_trials)
        >>> max_dd.describe()
        count    100.000000
        mean       0.489571
        std        0.094382
        min        0.321985
        25%        0.423104
        50%        0.482001
        75%        0.543692
        max        0.740162
        dtype: float64
        >>> max_dd.hist()

    The above example produces this chart:

    In this graph, the possible drawdown (loss) is on the horizontal axis, and the veritcal axis shows the percentage of all trials with that degree of loss.


    • Create a new np.array to hold the results of the trials. After collecting the result, create and return a pd.Series object with these results.

    • Use an accumulator pattern to execute num_trials trials, and to caclulate the maximum drawdown for each trial.

Take a screen shot of your graphs!

The Gradescope autograder cannot display/test your graphs. Instead, we will attempt to run your code manually to test the graphing.

As a backup, please take screen shots of your graphs and save as a single .pdf file called a12graphs.pdf and attach this file to Gradescope.

To take a screen shot:

  • On Mac: use the keyboard sequence Command-Shift-4, and then drag the cross-hairs to include the region you want to include. The image will be saved to your desktop. Create a Word document and drag your images into the document, then save as .pdf.

  • On Windows: use the Snipping Tool to create a screen shot for the desired area. Create a Word document and paste your images into the document, then save as .pdf.

Submitting Your Work

20 points; will be assigned by code review

Use the link to GradeScope (left) to submit your work.

Be sure to name your files correctly!

Under the heading for Assignment 8, attach these 4 required files:,,a8task2.pyanda8graphs.pdf`.

In addition, please upload all .csv data files used by your program.
