My trip to Sao Paulo!
There are something like 136 photos here, so they're broken up into
10 sets/links. If you have any problems viewing them, please mail
Nippon Country Club, Claudio crashing, late meal at Chicohamburger
Lunch w/two pretty women, on to Liberdade
Ibirapuera, Patinha's playful pooch, churrascaria
Paulista Ave, MOVI organization mting at McD's
MOVI mting laughs
More MOVI laughs, Ibirapuera w/Elisa & Luciana
Claudio back to SF, SP museum with Emerson, lunch
Lunch gang, travels with Kiyoshi
Campos de Jordao, Centro w/Patinha
Street market, Patinha & mom, ice cream by the pound!