Christopher Brown

Photo of myself

Christopher Brown
Class of 2025 Computer Science

Short bio

Hello, my name is Christopher Brown and I was born and raised in Brownsville Texas. Currently, I am a senior at Boston University sutdying Computer Science concentrating on Software Engineering, Web develepment and Cybersecurity.

Activities and Interests

Image Activity Description Link
A photo of my food


I have always liked to cook from a young age and as of right now I am trying to make cookies.

Current cookie recipe im trying
A photo of my favorite activities


So far I have been to 10 concerts, and my favorites have been the Gorillaz, Freddie Gibs & Madlib and Duster.

Next concert I am attending
Photo of Jordan IV sneaker


I'm a big fan of sneakers and the sneaker community and recently I traded up to one of my dream shoes pictured here: Off-White Jordan IV

Recent convention I went to