Basic Image Processing Manipulations

CS 585 HW 1
Dina Bashkirova
September 10, 2018

Problem Definition

The task is to perform basic image transformations: rotation right and left, flipping, translation from color to grayscale image and smoothing.

Method and Implementation

I implemented the functions on Python and used openCV library for image I/O. Color-to-grayscale translation (rgb_to_grayscale) was performed by averaging the color intensities in each pixel (X = (R+G+B)/3). Rotation (transpose_left, transpose_right) and flipping flip_image was done using matrix transposition and flipping. I used box filter for smoothing (box_blur, box_filter). Box filter is a simple Gaussian smoothing interpolation method that assigns average intensity of neighbouring pixels within boxes of a given size for each pixel in the image. I intended to use it to perform detail enhancement via the guided filter [Kaiming He, 2010, ICCV], but due to the time limitation I couldn't make it work as it is supposed to.



Input Image Grayscale Rotated Left Rotated Right Flipped Blurred


Credits and Bibliography