Hand gestures classification

CS 585 HW 3
Dina Bashkirova
Vitaly Petsiuk and Yida Xin
October 10, 2018

Problem Definition

We are asked to create a desktop program that reads video from the webcam and recognizes four hand gestures: "palm", "ok", "peace" and "rock". The program must be able to detect and separately classify both hands and visualize the result in the separate window.

Method and Implementation


We have tested our method on the data in various lighting conditions: the skincolor detection method turned out to be highly dependent on the lighting and required some adjustments in order to work properly. Since face is also present in the skincolor map, our algorithm tends to confuse it with the hands and sometimes misdetects the actual hands.




Input Skincolor mask NCC heatmap

Good Examples


We would like to point out some observations about our approach:


The template matching based approach for hand gesture classification proved to be somewhat efficient in case when no other body parts are present on the frame. It is a relatively simple solution that does not require a large dataset for training, however, it lacks accuracy and hence is not applicable for the enterprise products.

Credits and Bibliography

Skincolor Detection using HSV Color Space