Donovan Eyer

Me from two years ago.

Donovan Eyer

Class of 2025

Computer Science Major

Short Bio

I lived in Nampa, Idaho for my entire life up until coming to study at Boston University. I'm a Computer Science major, and have hefty experience in Java, Python, and HTML. I'm also a Cinema Studies Minor, and enjoy writing and discussing film and anime on my offtime.

Activities and Interests

Brain On Anime.


Watching anime shows and movies, both old and current, and reading manga. This year, I am the Vice President of the Boston University Anime Club.

BU Anime Club
Game Man.


Mostly play competitive multiplayer games like Mario Kart or Smash Bros. Last single player game I loved was Celeste, until I got stuck on the mountain.

Cinema'in time.


As a cinema major, I watch films ranging from old classics to arthouse films to recent blockbusters. Favorite film right now is Andrei Tarkovsky's Solaris.


Favorite Soundtracks to Listen To While Studying

Soundtrack Composer Ideal Time To Listen
Wii U UI Music Kazumi Totaka When you're tired, and want to fall asleep in an electronic trance.
Paranoia Agent Susumu Hirasaw When, as a friend said, "You feel like dying.
Curb Your Enthusiasm Luciano Micheline When you're feeling prettae, prettae good.
Revolutionary Girl Utena Toyumitsu Nakajō When you want to TAKE MY REVOLUTIOOOOOON.
Uncut Gems Daniel Lopatin When you need background music for your class podcast.
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