
Lecture 3D Geometry Processing
Differential Geometry
Edward Chien
Computer Graphics & Geometry Processing

Last time - Parametric Representation

  • Parametric representation \(\vec{x}: [a,b] \subset \R \mapsto \R^2\)

\[\vec{x}\of{t} = \matrix{x\of{t} \\ y\of{t}}\]

  • Curve is defined as image of interval \([a,b]\) under parameterization function \(\vec{x}\).
  • Re-parametrization \(\vec{x}(u) = \vec{x}\of{t(u)}\)
  • Curve arc length \[ L = \int_a^b \norm{\vec{x}’} \mathrm{d}t = \int_a^b \sqrt{\left(\frac{\mathrm{d} x}{\mathrm{d} t} \right)^2 + \left( \frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{d} t} \right)^2} \mathrm{d} t \]

Overview for Today

  • Differential Geometry of parametric curves

    • Tangent vector, normal vector
    • Arc length parameterization
    • Curvature, osculating circle, discrete curvature
    • A first application: Curve smoothing
  • Differential Geometry of parametric surfaces

    • tangent space, metric, first fundamental form
    • normal curvature
    • principal curvatures
    • Mean & Gaussian curvature
    • Minimal and developable surfaces

Tangent & Normal

  • Parametric representation of planar curve \(\vec{x}\of{t} = \matrix{x\of{t} \\ y\of{t}}\)

  • First derivative defines a tangent vector

    \[\vec{t} = \vec{x}’\of{t} := \frac{\mathrm{d} \vec{x}\of{t}}{\mathrm{d} t} = \matrix{ \mathrm{d}x\of{t} / \mathrm{d} t \\ \mathrm{d}y\of{t} / \mathrm{d} t}\]

  • The curve normal vector is

    \[\vec{n} = \text{Rot}(90) \frac{\vec{t}}{\| \vec{t} \|}\]

Tangent & Normal

  • Example: \(\vec{x}\of{t} = (1+\cos(t)) \matrix{\cos(t) \\ \sin(t)}\)

Curve as Particle Trajectory

  • Curve parameter \(t\) is time
  • \(\vec{x}\of{t}\) defines the position of particle at time \(t\)
  • Tangent \(\vec{x}’\of{t}\) defines the velocity vector at time \(t\)
  • Length (magnitude) of tangent vector is particle speed

Curve as Particle Trajectory

  • Recall: Re-parameterization
  • Example
    • For \(t \in [0, 1]\), the two curves \(\vec{x}_1(t) = \matrix{\cos\of{ t} \\ \sin\of{ t}}\) and \(\vec{x}_2(t) = \matrix{\cos\of{ t^2} \\ \sin\of{ t^2}}\) define the same particle path
    • However, particles travel with different speed!
    • \(\norm{\vec{x}’_1(t)} = 1\)
    • \(\norm{\vec{x}’_2(t)} = \sqrt{ (-2t \sin\of{ t^2})^2 + (2t \cos\of{ t^2})^2 } = 2|t|\)

Arc Length Parameterization

  • We see that a curve can be parameterized in different ways. But is there a unique, canonical way to parameterize a curve?
  • Yes! It’s called arc length parameterization
  • Parameterize curve \(\vec{x}(s)\) over interval \([0, L]\) such that length from \(\vec{x}(0)\) to \(\vec{x}(s)\) is equal to \(s\) \[\int_0^s \norm{\vec{x}'(t)}\func{d}t \;=\; s\]

Arc Length Parameterization

  • Intuitively, think about a rope of length \(L = \int \norm{\vec{x}’} \mathrm{d}t\) that is bend (but not stretched or compressed!) to assume the shape of the curve
  • Curves parameterized with respect to arc length have some useful properties
    • Unit speed: \(\norm{ \vec{x}'(s) } = 1\)
    • Orthogonality: \(\vec{x}'(s) \cdot \vec{x}''(s) = 0\)

Wikipedia: Arc Length


  • Curvature is a measure of how much the curve deviates from a straight line
  • This can be quantified by looking at how much the curve normal varies as we traverse the curve
  • The curve normal vector is \(\vec{n} = \text{Rot}(90) \frac{\vec{t}}{\| \vec{t} \|}\)
  • The Gauss map of the curve \(\vec{x}\of{t}\) maps the parameter interval \([a,b]\) to the unit circle: \(\vec{n}: [a,b] \mapsto S^1\)
  • This means that for every \(t \in [a,b]\) we obtain a point on the unit circle defined by the curve normal \(\vec{n}(t)\) at point \(\vec{x}\of{t}\)

Gauss Map



  • Let \(\Omega = [t-\epsilon, t+\epsilon]\) be a small interval around parameter \(t\), \(l_{\vec{x}}\of{\epsilon}\) be the length of the curve segment \(\vec{x}\of{\Omega}\), and \(l_{\vec{n}}\of{\epsilon}\) be the length of the corresponding segment of the Gauss map
  • Then the magnitude of the curvature at point \(\vec{x}\of{t}\) is def. as \[|\kappa \of{t}| = \lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \frac{l_{\vec{n}}\of{\epsilon}}{l_{\vec{x}}\of{\epsilon}}\]
  • If a curve is parameterized by arc length, then curvature is simply the magnitude of the second derivative \[ \vec{t}'(s) = \vec{x}''(s) = \kappa\of{s} \vec{n}(s) \; \rightarrow \; |\kappa\of{s}| = | \vec{x}''(s) | \]
  • For general parametrizations \(\quad \kappa \of{t} = \frac{ || \vec{x}'(t) \times \vec{x}''(t) || }{ ||\vec{x}'(t)||^3 }\)


  • The osculating circle at point \(\vec{x}\) is the circle tangent to the curve at \(\vec{x}\) that best approximates the curve locally
  • Its center is given as \(\vec{x} + \frac{1}{\kappa} \vec{n}\), where \(\kappa\) is the signed curvature and \(\vec{n}\) is the normal at \(\vec{x}\).
  • Its radius is the inverse of the absolute curvature, i.e. \(1/|\kappa|\)

Wikipedia: Osculating Circle


Discrete Curvature

  • How can we define curvature on a polyline?
  • Continuous definition does not makes sense. Curvature would be zero on line segment and infinite at vertices. Polyline is not differentiable!
  • Consider polyline as approximation of a smooth curve
  • Approximate osculating circle by circle passing through three adjacent points
  • Aside: Prove that any three distinct points define a unique circle!

Discrete Curvature

Which of the following is true?

    1. The approximated discrete Curvature will always be smaller or equal compared to the continuous curvature.
    1. The approximated discrete curvature cannot be equal to the real for every sample point.
    1. The only planar curve of constant positive curvature is the circle.

A First Application

  • Discrete Curve Smoothing
  • Variant A: Curvature Flow
    • For each vertex, compute the discrete osculating circle
    • Move every vertex towards the center of circle
    • Iterate!
  • Variant B: Laplacian Smoothing
    • For each vertex, compute the average of its two neighbors
    • Move every vertex towards the average
    • Iterate!

Discrete Laplacian Curve Smoothing

curve is rescaled to original bounding box after each iteration
number of iterations per frame increases towards end of video

A bit of info on 3D Curves

  • For 3D curves \(\vec{x}: [a,b] \subset \R \mapsto \R^3\), there is another quantity to consider, that of torsion

\[\begin{aligned}{\dfrac {d\mathbf {T} }{ds}}&=\kappa \mathbf {N} ,\\{\dfrac {d\mathbf {N} }{ds}}&=-\kappa \mathbf {T} +\tau \mathbf {B} ,\\{\dfrac {d\mathbf {B} }{ds}}&=-\tau \mathbf {N} ,\end{aligned}\]


Wikipedia: Frenet-Serret Equations


  • Differential Geometry of parametric curves
  • Differential Geometry of parametric surfaces
    • tangent space, metric, first fundamental form
    • normal curvature
    • principal curvatures
    • Mean & Gaussian curvature
    • Minimal and developable surfaces

Parametric Surfaces

  • Continuous surface \[\vec{x}\of{u,v} = \matrix{ x\of{u,v} \\ y\of{u,v} \\ z\of{u,v} }\]

Curves on Surface

  • A curve \((u(t), v(t))\) in the \(uv\)-plane defines a curve on the surface \(\vec{x}(u,v)\): \[\vec{x}\of{t} \;=\; \vec{x}\of{ u\of{t}, v\of{t} }\]

Tangent Vectors of Curves on Surface

  • Curve on surface \(\vec{x}\of{t} \;=\; \vec{x}\of{ u\of{t}, v\of{t} }\)
  • Tangent vector to curve \[\begin{eqnarray} \vec{x}\of{t}' & = & \frac{d \vec{x}\of{t}}{dt} \end{eqnarray}\]

Tangent Vectors of Curves on Surface

  • Curve on surface \(\vec{x}\of{t} \;=\; \vec{x}\of{ u\of{t}, v\of{t} }\)
  • Tangent vector to curve \[\begin{eqnarray} \vec{x}\of{t}' & = & \frac{d \vec{x}\of{t}}{dt} = \frac{d}{dt}\left( \vec{x}\of{u(t), v(t)} \right) \\ & = & \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial u} \cdot \frac{du}{dt} + \frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial v} \cdot \frac{dv}{dt} \\ & = & \left[ \vec{x}_{,u}, \vec{x}_{,v}\right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} u' \\ v' \end{array}\right]\\ & = & J \vec{u}' \end{eqnarray}\]
  • Jacobian matrix \(J \in \mathbb{R}^{3\times 2}\) defines mapping of tangent vectors from the domain to the surface: \(\vec{u}' \mapsto \vec{x}'\)
  • Tangent plane is formed by linear combinations of \(\vec{x}_{,u}\) and \(\vec{x}_{,v}\)

Parametric Surfaces

  • Continuous surface \[\vec{x}\of{u,v} = \matrix{ x\of{u,v} \\ y\of{u,v} \\ z\of{u,v} }\]
  • Normal vector \[\vec{n} = \frac{\vec{x}_{,u} \times \vec{x}_{,v}}{\norm{\vec{x}_{,u} \times \vec{x}_{,v}}}\]
  • Assume regular parameterization \[\vec{x}_{,u} \times \vec{x}_{,v} \neq \vec{0}\]

Angles on Surface

  • What is the angle of intersection of two curves \(\vec{c}_1\) and \(\vec{c}_2\) intersecting at \(\vec{x}\)?
  • Two tangents \(\vec{t}_1\) and \(\vec{t}_2\) \[ \vec{t}_i = \alpha_i \vec{x}_{,u} + \beta_i \vec{x}_{,v} \]
  • Compute inner product \[ \begin{align} \trans{\vec{t}_1} \vec{t}_2 \;&=\; \cos\theta \norm{\vec{t}_1} \norm{\vec{t}_2} \\ \;&=\; \trans{\left(\alpha_1 \vec{x}_{,u} + \beta_1 \vec{x}_{,v} \right)} \left(\alpha_2 \vec{x}_{,u} + \beta_2 \vec{x}_{,v} \right) \\ \;&=\; \left( \alpha_1, \beta_1 \right) \matrix{ \trans{\vec{x}_{,u}} \vec{x}_{,u} & \trans{\vec{x}_{,u}} \vec{x}_{,v} \\[1mm] \trans{\vec{x}_{,u}} \vec{x}_{,v} & \trans{\vec{x}_{,v}} \vec{x}_{,v} } \matrix{\alpha_2 \\ \beta_2 } \end{align} \]

First Fundamental Form

  • First fundamental form

\[\mat{I} \;=\; \matrix{ E & F \\ F & G } \;:=\; \matrix{ \vec{x}_{,u}^T\vec{x}_{,u} & \vec{x}_{,u}^T\vec{x}_{,v} \\[1mm] \vec{x}_{,u}^T\vec{x}_{,v} & \vec{x}_{,v}^T\vec{x}_{,v} }\]

  • Defines inner product on tangent space

\[\begin{eqnarray*} \left\langle \matrix{\alpha_1 \\ \beta_1} \,,\; \matrix{\alpha_2 \\ \beta_2} \right\rangle \;:=\; \matrix{\alpha_1 \\ \beta_1}^T \mat{I} \, \matrix{\alpha_2 \\ \beta_2} \end{eqnarray*} \]

Wikipedia: First Fundamental Form

First Fundamental Form

Wikipedia: First Fundamental Form

First fundamental form allows to measure…

- Angles

\(\begin{align} \vec{t}_1^T\vec{t}_2 \;&=\; \left\langle (\alpha_1, \beta_1), (\alpha_2, \beta_2) \right\rangle \\ \;&=\; E \alpha_1\alpha_2 + F\left( \alpha_1\beta_2 + \alpha_2\beta_1 \right) + G \beta_1\beta_2 \end{align}\)

- Length

\(\begin{align} \func{d}s \;&=\; \sqrt{\left\langle (\func{d}u, \func{d}v), (\func{d}u, \func{d}v) \right\rangle} \\ \;&=\; \sqrt{E\,\func{d}u^2 + 2F\,\func{d}u\func{d}v + G\,\func{d}v^2} \end{align}\)

- Area

\(\begin{align} \func{d}A \;&=\; \sqrt{\func{det}\of{\mat{I}}} \,\func{d}u\,\func{d}v \\ \;&=\; \sqrt{EG-F^2} \,\func{d}u\,\func{d}v \end{align}\)

Example: Unit Sphere

  • Spherical parameterization

\[\vec{x}\of{u,v} \;=\; \matrix{\cos u \sin v \\ \sin u \sin v \\ \cos v} \,,\quad (u,v) \in [0, 2\pi) \times [0,\pi) \]


Example: Unit Sphere

  • Tangent vectors \[ \vec{x}_{,u}\of{u,v} \;=\; \matrix{-\sin u \sin v \\ \cos u \sin v \\ 0} \quad \vec{x}_{,v}\of{u,v} \;=\; \matrix{\cos u \cos v \\ \sin u \cos v \\-\sin v} \]

  • First fundamental form \[ \mat{I} \;=\; \matrix{ E & F \\ F & G } \;:=\; \matrix{ \trans{\vec{x}_{,u}} \vec{x}_{,u} & \trans{\vec{x}_{,u}} \vec{x}_{,v} \\[1mm] \trans{\vec{x}_{,u}} \vec{x}_{,v} & \trans{\vec{x}_{,v}} \vec{x}_{,v} } \; = \; \matrix{ \sin^2 v & 0 \\ 0 & 1 } \]

Example: Unit Sphere

  • Length of equator \(\vec{x}(t, \pi / 2)\)
    • \(u(t)=t\) and \(u'(t)=1\)
    • \(v(t)=\pi/2\) and \(v'(t)=0\)

\[ \begin{align} \int_0^{2\pi} 1 \,\func{d}s \;&=\; \int_0^{2\pi} \sqrt{E \, u_{,t}^2 + 2F \, u_{,t} v_{,t} + G \, v_{,t}^2} \,\func{d}t \\ \;&=\; \int_0^{2\pi} \sin v \,\func{d}t \\ \;&=\; 2\pi \sin v \;=\; 2\pi \end{align} \]

Example: Unit Sphere

  • Area of sphere

\[ \begin{align} \int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{2\pi} 1 \,\func{d}A \;&=\; \int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{2\pi} \sqrt{EG-F^2} \,\func{d}u\,\func{d}v \\ \;&=\; \int_0^{\pi}\int_0^{2\pi} \sin v \,\func{d}u\,\func{d}v \\ \;&=\; 4\pi \end{align} \]

Normal Curvature

  • Let \(\vec{t}\) be a tangent vector at \(\vec{x}\).


Normal Curvature

  • Let \(\vec{t}\) be a tangent vector at \(\vec{x}\).
  • \(\vec{x}\), \(\vec{n}\), and \(\vec{t}\) define a normal plane. The intersection of this plane with the surface yields a curve \(\vec{x}(t)\), called a normal section.

Normal Curvature

  • Normal curvature \(\kappa_n(\vec{t})\) is defined as the curvature of the normal section \(\vec{x}(t)\) at the point \(\vec{x}(u,v)\).
  • If we write \(\vec{t} = a\vec{x}_{,u} + b\vec{x}_{,v}\), the normal curvature can be computed as
    \[ \kappa_n\of{\vec{t}} \;=\; \frac{ (a,b) \, \mat{I\!I} \, \trans{(a,b)} }{ (a,b) \, \mat{I} \, \trans{(a,b)} } \;=\; \frac{ea^2+2fab+gb^2}{Ea^2+2Fab+Gb^2}\]
    with the second fundamental form
    \[\mat{I\!I} \;=\; \matrix{e & f \\ f & g} \;:=\; \matrix{ \trans{\vec{x}_{,uu}} \vec{n} & \trans{\vec{x}_{,uv}} \vec{n} \\[1mm] \trans{\vec{x}_{,uv}} \vec{n} & \trans{\vec{x}_{,vv}} \vec{n} }\]

Normal Curvature

  • Let \(\vec{t}(\phi) = \cos \phi \vec{x}_{,u} + \sin \phi \vec{x}_{,v}\) be a tangent vector at \(\vec{x}\) and assume that \(\vec{x}_{,u}\) and \(\vec{x}_{,v}\) are orthonormal.
  • We can plot \(\kappa_n(\vec{t}(\phi))\) as a function of the tangent angle \(\phi\)

Surface Curvature(s)

  • Principal curvatures
    • Maximum curvature \(\kappa_1 = \max_{\phi} \kappa_n(\phi)\)
    • Minimum curvature \(\kappa_2 = \min_{\phi} \kappa_n(\phi)\)
    • Euler theorem: \(\kappa_n\of{\phi} \;=\; \kappa_1\cos^2\phi + \kappa_2\sin^2\phi\)
    • Corresponding principal directions \(\vec{e}_1\), \(\vec{e}_2\) are orthogonal

Surface Curvature(s)

  • Special curvatures
    • Mean curvature \(H= \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_0^{2 \pi} \kappa_n(\phi) \text{d} \phi = \frac{\kappa_1+\kappa_2}{2}\)
    • Gaussian curvature \(K = \kappa_1 \cdot \kappa_2\)


A point \(\vec{x}\) on the surface is called

  • elliptic, if \(K > 0\)
  • hyperbolic, if \(K < 0\)
  • parabolic, if \(K = 0\)
  • umbilic, if \(\kappa_1 = \kappa_2\)

Minimal Surfaces

  • Mean curvature \(H = \frac{\kappa_1 + \kappa_2}{2}\)
    • \(H = 0\) everywhere → minimal surface
    • all points must be hyperbolic (saddle points)
  • Example: Soap films

Wikipedia: Minimal Surface Explanatory Movie

Minimal Surfaces

  • Mean curvature \(H = \frac{\kappa_1 + \kappa_2}{2}\)
    • \(H = 0\) everywhere → minimal surface
    • all points must be hyperbolic (saddle points)
  • Example: Sculpture
green-void2.jpg green-void1.jpg green-void3.jpg


Developable Surfaces

  • Gaussian curvature \(K = \kappa_1 \cdot \kappa_2\)
    • \(K = 0\) everywhere → developable surface
    • all points must be parabolic
Disney Concert Hall by F. Gehri
Timber Fabric by iBois-EPFL

Wikipedia: Developable Surface

Developable Surfaces

  • Curved foldings
0234-003_medium.jpg H0127b-020_medium.jpg

Eric Demaine

Theorema Egregium

  • Gaussian curvature only depends on lengths of surface curves, i.e., on the first fundamental form

    \[ K(\vec{x}) = \lim_{r \to 0} \frac {6 \pi r - 3C_r(\vec{x})}{\pi r^3} \]

  • \(C_r(\vec{x})\) is the length of geodesic circle of radius \(r\) around \(\vec{x}\).

  • See this link for more ways to define/compute Gaussian curvature

Wikipedia: Theorema Egregium

Recap: Differential Operators

  • Gradient \(\begin{eqnarray*} \nabla f := \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1}, \ldots, \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_n} \right) \end{eqnarray*}\)
    • points in direction of steepest ascent
gradient_wiki1.png gradient_wiki2.png

Wikipedia: Gradient

Recap: Differential Operators

  • Divergence \(\begin{eqnarray*} \text{div} F = \nabla \cdot F := \frac{\partial F_1}{\partial x_1} + \ldots + \frac{\partial F_n}{\partial x_n} \end{eqnarray*}\)
    • volume density of outward flux of vector field
    • magnitude of source or sink at given point

Wikipedia: Divergence Khan Academy: Divergence

Recap: Laplace Operator

  • Divergence of gradient of a function in \(\R^n\) \[ \laplace f \;=\; \grad \cdot \grad f \;=\; \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_i^2} \]
  • Intuition: Laplacian measures difference to average in a local neighborhood

Wikipedia: Laplace Operator

Laplace-Beltrami Operator

  • Extension of Laplace operator to functions \(f\) on manifolds \(\set{S}\): \[ \laplace_{\set{S}} f \;=\; \grad_{\set{S}} \cdot \grad_{\set{S}} f \]
    • The operators \(\grad_{\set{S}}\cdot\) and \(\grad_{\set{S}}\) denote extensions of diverence and gradient to functions on manifolds.
  • Laplace-Beltrami operator applied to the coordinate function \(\vec{x} \colon \set{S} \to \R^3\) gives mean curvature normal \[ \laplace_{\set{S}} \vec{x} = -2 \, H(\vec{x}) \, \vec{n}(\vec{x}) \]
    • \(H\) and \(\vec{n}\) denote mean curvature and surface normal
  • By discretzing Laplace-Beltrami we get the mean curvature

Wikipedia: Laplace-Beltrami Operator


  • Next time, we will
    • see how to represent surfaces with triangle meshes
    • discuss mesh data structures
    • derive discrete versions of the curvature measures