
Lecture 3D Geometry Processing
Discrete Differential Geometry
Prof. Edward Chien
Geometry Processing & Computer Graphics

Triangle Meshes

  • Connectivity / Topology
    • Vertices \(\mathcal{V} = \{ v_1, \dots, v_n \}\)
    • Edges \(\mathcal{E} = \{ e_1, \dots, e_k \}\), \(e_i \in \mathcal{V} \times \mathcal{V}\)
    • Faces \(\mathcal{F} = \{ f_1, \dots, f_m \}\), \(f_i \in \mathcal{V} \times \mathcal{V} \times \mathcal{V}\)

  • Geometry
    • Vertex positions \(\{ \vec{p}_1, \dots, \vec{p}_n \}\), \(\vec{p}_i \in \R^3\)

Why Triangle Meshes?

  • Triangle meshes can represent arbitrary surfaces

Why Triangle Meshes?

  • Triangle meshes can represent arbitrary surfaces
  • Piecewise linear approximation → error is \(\mathcal{O}(h^2)\)

Why Triangle Meshes?

  • Triangle meshes can represent arbitrary surfaces
  • Piecewise linear approximation → error is \(\mathcal{O}(h^2)\)
  • Approximation error inversely proportional to #triangles

Why Triangle Meshes?

  • Triangle meshes can represent arbitrary surfaces
  • Piecewise linear approximation → error is \(\mathcal{O}(h^2)\)
  • Approximation error inversely proportional to #triangles
  • Adaptive tesselation can adapt to surface curvature

adaptive meshing
curvature visualization

Why Triangle Meshes?

  • Triangle meshes can represent arbitrary surfaces
  • Piecewise linear approximation → error is \(\mathcal{O}(h^2)\)
  • Approximation error inversely proportional to #triangles
  • Adaptive tesselation can adapt to surface curvature
  • Simple primitives can be processed efficiently by CPU/GPU

Mathematical Manifold Definition

A topological space \(M\) is a topological \(n\)-manifold if:


For manifold with boundaries replace \(\mathbb{R}^n\) with \(\mathbb{H}^n\).

Two-Manifold Surfaces

  • Local neighborhoods are disk-shaped
  • Guarantees meaningful neighborhood enumeration
  • Required by most algorithms
  • Non-manifold examples:

Mesh Data Structures

2D Mesh Combinatorics: Euler’s Polyhedron Formula

\[V - E + F = \chi = 2-2g-n\]

  • \(g\) denotes the number of “handles”
  • \(n\) denotes the number of boundaries
  • \(\chi \approx 0\) relative to \(V,E,F\) for the vast majority of meshes

\[ 2E \approx 3F \approx 6V \] (first relation is equality if there are no boundaries)

Face Set

  • Face Set is a standard file format for triangle meshes (e.g. STL format)
  • Memory consumption
    36 B/f = 72 B/v

Indexed Face Set

  • Indexed Face Sets are used for many file formats (e.g. OFF, OBJ, VRML)
  • Memory consumption
    12 B/v + 12 B/f = 36 B/v

Face-Based Connectivity

  • Store connectivity per face
  • Memory consumption
    16 B/v + 24 B/f = 64 B/v
  • Non-constant element size for general polygonal meshes
  • Edges not represented

Edge-Based Connectivity

  • Store connectivity per edge
  • Memory consumption
    16 B/v + 4 B/f + 32 B/e = 120 B/v
  • Edges explicitly represented
  • Missing edge orientation leads to case distinctions during traversal

Halfedge-Based Connectivity

  • Store connectivity per halfedge
  • Memory consumption
    16 B/v + 4 B/f + 20 B/h = 144 B/v
    (can be reduced to 96 B/v)
  • Edges & halfedges explicitly represented
  • No case distinctions during traversal!

One-Ring Traversal

  • Simple one-ring traversal without case distinctions:
    1. Start at vertex
    2. Outgoing halfedge
    3. Opposite halfedge
    4. Next halfedge
    5. Opposite halfedge
    6. Next halfedge

Half-Edge navigation demo

Halfedge-Based Libraries

Triangle Meshes

  • Connectivity / Topology
    • Vertices \(\mathcal{V} = \{ v_1, \dots, v_n \}\)
    • Edges \(\mathcal{E} = \{ e_1, \dots, e_k \}\), \(e_i \in \mathcal{V} \times \mathcal{V}\)
    • Faces \(\mathcal{F} = \{ f_1, \dots, f_m \}\), \(f_i \in \mathcal{V} \times \mathcal{V} \times \mathcal{V}\)

  • Geometry
    • Vertex positions \(\{ \vec{p}_1, \dots, \vec{p}_n \}\), \(\vec{p}_i \in \R^3\)

Normal Vectors

  • Triangle normal \[ \vec{n}(T) = \frac{\left(\vec{b}-\vec{a}\right) \times \left(\vec{c}-\vec{a}\right)} {\norm{\left(\vec{b}-\vec{a}\right) \times \left(\vec{c}-\vec{a}\right)}} \]

  • Vertex normal
    • Average of incident triangles’ normals \(\vec{n}(T_i)\)
    • Weighted by area or opening angle \(w(T_i)\)
    \[ \vec{n}(V) = \frac{ \sum_{T_i \ni V} w(T_i) \, \vec{n}(T_i)} { \norm{ \sum_{T_i \ni V} w(T_i) \, \vec{n}(T_i)} } \]

Vertex Normals

triangulation (flat shading)
constant/area weighting

Discrete Curvatures

  • How to discretize curvatures on a mesh?
    • Zero curvature within triangles
    • Infinite curvature at edges / vertices
    • Point-wise definition does not make sense
  • Approximate differential properties at point \(\vec{x}\) as average over local neighborhood \(A(\vec{x})\)
    • \(\vec{x}\) is a mesh vertex
    • \(A(\vec{x})\) is within one-ring neighborhood

Discrete Curvatures

  • How to discretize curvatures on a mesh?
    • Zero curvature within triangles
    • Infinite curvature at edges / vertices
    • Point-wise definition does not make sense
  • Approximate differential properties at vertex \(v\) as average over local neighborhood \(A(v)\) \[C\of{v} \;\approx\; \frac{1}{A\of{v}} \int_{A\of{v}} C\of{\vec{x}} \func{d}A\]

Barycentric Cells

  • For each triangle of one-ring, connect vertex with edge midpoints and triangle barycenters

  • Simple to compute: Area is 1/3 of triangle areas
    • How to compute triangle areas?

3D Cross Product

  • Given two 3D vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\), computes a vector \(\vec{c}\) that is orthogonal to them \[ \vec{c} \;=\; \vec{a} \times \vec{b} \;=\; {\tiny \matrix{ a_2 b_3 - a_3 b_2 \\ a_3 b_1 - a_1 b_3 \\ a_1 b_2 - a_2 b_1 }} \]
  • Measures the area of parallelogram spanned by vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\) \[ \norm{\vec{a} \times \vec{b}} = \norm{\vec{a}} \cdot \norm{\vec{b}} \cdot \sin\theta \]
  • Measures volume spanned by vectors \(\vec{a}\), \(\vec{b}\), \(\vec{c}\) \[ \mathrm{vol}\of{\vec{a}, \vec{b}, \vec{c}} \;=\; \abs{ \vec{a} \, \vec{b} \, \vec{c} } \;=\; \trans{\left( \vec{a} \times \vec{b} \right)} \vec{c} \]

Wikipedia: Cross Product

Voronoi Cells

  • For each triangle of one-ring, connect vertex with edge midpoints and triangle circumcenter

  • How to compute circumcircles? Intersection of perpendicular bisectors.

Barycentric vs. Voronoi Cells

  • Voronoi cells provide better approximation than barycentric cells, but are more complex to compute


  • Problem: Circumcenter can lie outside of triangle

Mixed Cells

  • For each triangle of one-ring, connect vertex with edge midpoints and …
    • … circumcenters for non-obtuse triangles
    • … midpoints of opposite edge for obtuse triangles


Discrete Curvatures

  • How to discretize all the differential operators to triangle meshes?
    • First derivative: gradients, tangents, normal
    • Second derivative: Min, Max, Mean, and Gauss curvature
  • We do not want to directly discretize the second fundamental form, since second derivatives are hard to approximate for triangle meshes.

Discrete Curvatures

  1. Compute Gaussian curvature \(K\):

    -by discretizing Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

  2. Compute mean curvature \(H\):

    -by discretizing Laplace-Beltrami operator

  3. Compute min and max curvatures:

    -from \(H\) and \(K\) we can compute \(\kappa_1\) and \(\kappa_2\)

Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

  • Integral of Gaussian curvature over a surface \(\Omega\) and the geodesic curvature on its boundary \(\partial \Omega\) is a topological invariant

    \[ \int_\Omega K \, dA + \int_{\partial \Omega} k_g \, ds = 2 \pi \, \chi(\Omega) \]

  • For \(\Omega\) with disk topology \(\chi(\Omega)=1\) and

    \[ \int_\Omega K \, dA = 2 \pi - \int_{\partial \Omega} k_g \, ds\]

Wikipedia: Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

Discrete Gauss Curvature

  • Compute Gauss curvature by Gauss-Bonnet theorem and averaging
    \[ K(v) \approx \frac{1}{| A(v) |} \int_{A(v)} K \, dA = \frac{1}{| A(v) |} \left( 2 \pi - \sum_j \theta_{j} \right)\]

Discrete Gauss Curvature

Discrete Curvatures

  1. Compute Gaussian curvature \(K\):

    -by discretizing Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

  2. Compute mean curvature \(H\):

    -by discretizing Laplace-Beltrami operator

  3. Compute min and max curvatures:

    -from \(H\) and \(K\) we can compute \(\kappa_1\) and \(\kappa_2\)

Laplace Operator on Meshes?

  • Extend finite differences to meshes? Which weights to choose per vertex / edge?
1D grid
2D grid
2D/3D mesh

Uniform Laplace

  • Uniform Laplace-Beltrami discretization \[ \laplace_\func{uni} f\of{v_i} \;:=\; \frac{1}{\abs{\set{N}_1\of{v_i}}} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} \left( f\of{v_j} - f\of{v_i} \right) \]
  • Properties
    • simple and efficient
    • depends only on connectivity
    • does not take into account geometry at all

Uniform Laplace

  • Uniform Laplace-Beltrami discretization \[ \laplace_\func{uni} \vec{x}_i \;:=\; \frac{1}{\abs{\set{N}_1\of{v_i}}} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} \left( \vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_i \right) \;\approx\; -2 H \vec{n} \]
  • Properties
    • simple and efficient
    • bad approximation for irregular triangulations, e.g. can give non-zero \(H\) for planar meshes
    • does not take into account scale

Divergence Theorem & Laplace

  • Divergence Theorem \[ \int_{A_i} \func{div} \, \vec{F} ( \vec{u} ) \mathrm{d}A = \int_{\partial A_i} \vec{F}(\vec{u}) \cdot \vec{n}(\vec{u}) \mathrm{d}s \]

  • Laplace operator \[ \int_{A_i} \Delta f(\vec{u}) \,\mathrm{d}A \;=\; \int_{A_i} \func{div} \grad f(\vec{u}) \,\mathrm{d}A \;=\; \int_{\partial A_i} \grad f(\vec{u}) \cdot \vec{n}(\vec{u}) \,\mathrm{d}s \]

Wikipedia: Divergence Theorem , Laplace Operator

Functions on a Mesh

  • Given per-vertex values \(f(v_i) = f(\vec{x}_i) = f(\vec{u}_i) = f_i\) we obtain a piecewise linear function per triangle
    \[f(\vec{u}) \;=\; f_i B_i (\vec{u}) + f_j B_j(\vec{u}) + f_k B_k(\vec{u})\]

  • We use linear basis functions \(B_i\), \(B_j\), \(B_k\) on a triangle

Gradients on a Mesh

  • The gradient of function \(f\) on triangle \((v_i, v_j, v_k)\) is \[ \grad f(\vec{u}) \;=\; f_i \grad B_i(\vec{u}) + f_j \grad B_j(\vec{u}) + f_k \grad B_k(\vec{u}) \]
  • Since \(B_i + B_j + B_k = 1\) we have \[ \grad B_i + \grad B_j + \grad B_k = 0 \]
  • Combining the two equations gives \[ \grad f(\vec{u}) \;=\; \left( f_j - f_i \right) \grad B_j(\vec{u}) + \left( f_k - f_i \right) \grad B_k(\vec{u}) \]

Wikipedia: Gradient

Gradients on a Mesh

  • The gradient of the linear basis functions \(B_i\), \(B_j\), \(B_k\) is \[ \grad B_i (\vec{u}) \;=\; \frac{ \left( \vec{x}_k - \vec{x}_j \right)^{\perp} }{ 2 \, A_T } \,,\quad \grad B_j (\vec{u}) \;=\; \frac{ \left( \vec{x}_i - \vec{x}_k \right)^{\perp} }{ 2 \, A_T } \,,\quad \grad B_k (\vec{u}) \;=\; \frac{ \left( \vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_i \right)^{\perp} }{ 2 \, A_T } \]
  • Combining with equations from previous slide we get \[ \grad f(\vec{u}) \;=\; \left( f_j - f_i \right) \frac{ \left( \vec{x}_i - \vec{x}_k \right)^{\perp} }{ 2 \, A_T } + \left( f_k - f_i \right) \frac{ \left( \vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_i \right)^{\perp} }{ 2 \, A_T } \]

Divergence Theorem & Laplace

  • Laplace operator \[ \int_{A_i} \Delta f(\vec{u}) \,\mathrm{d}A \;=\; \int_{\partial A_i} \grad f(\vec{u}) \cdot \vec{n}(\vec{u}) \,\mathrm{d}s \]
  • Per triangle segment \[ \begin{align} \int_{\partial A_i \cap T} \grad f(\vec{u}) \cdot \vec{n}(\vec{u}) \mathrm{d}s & \;=\; \grad f(\vec{u}) \cdot (\vec{a} - \vec{b})^{\perp} \\ & \;=\; \frac{1}{2} \grad f(\vec{u}) \cdot (\vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_k)^{\perp} \end{align} \]

Discrete Laplace-Beltrami

\[ \begin{align*} \int_{\partial A_i \cap T} \grad f(\vec{u}) \cdot \vec{n}(\vec{u}) \mathrm{d}s & \;=\; \frac{1}{2} \grad f(\vec{u}) \cdot (\vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_k)^{\perp} \\ & \;=\; \begin{split}\left(f_j-f_i \right) \frac{\left(\vec{x}_i-\vec{x}_k \right)^{\perp} \cdot \left(\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_k \right)^{\perp}}{4 A_T} \\ \;+\; \left(f_k-f_i \right) \frac{\left(\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_i \right)^{\perp} \cdot \left(\vec{x}_j-\vec{x}_k \right)^{\perp}}{4 A_T}\end{split}\\ & \;\;\vdots\; \\ & \;=\; \frac{1}{2} \cot \gamma_k \left(f_j - f_i \right) \;+\; \frac{1}{2} \cot \gamma_j \left(f_k - f_i \right) \end{align*} \]

cotan-discrete-1.png cotan-discrete-2.png

Discrete Laplace-Beltrami

  • Cotangent discretization
    \[ \laplace_{\set{S}} f\of{v_i} \;:=\; \frac{1}{2A\of{v_i}} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} \left( \cot \alpha_{ij} + \cot \beta_{ij} \right) \left( f\of{v_j} - f\of{v_i} \right)\]


For a full derivation see Chapter 3.3.4 of PMP book

Discrete Laplace-Beltrami

  • Cotangent discretization

    \[ \laplace_{\set{S}} f\of{v_i} \;:=\; \frac{1}{2A\of{v_i}} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} \left( \cot \alpha_{ij} + \cot \beta_{ij} \right) \left( f\of{v_j} - f\of{v_i} \right)\]

  • Problems

    • how to compute cotan?
    • weights can become negative (when?)
    • depends on triangulation
  • Still the most widely used discretization

Discrete Curvatures

  1. Compute Gaussian curvature \(K\):

    -by discretizing Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

  2. Compute mean curvature \(H\):

    -by discretizing Laplace-Beltrami operator

  3. Compute min and max curvatures:

    -from \(H\) and \(K\) we can compute \(\kappa_1\) and \(\kappa_2\)

Discrete Curvatures

  • Mean curvature (absolute value) \[ H(v_i) = \frac{1}{2} \norm{ \laplace_\set{S} \vec{x}_i}\]
  • Gaussian curvature \[ K(v_i) = (2 \pi - \sum_j \theta_{j}) \,/\, A(v_i) \]
  • Principal curvatures \[ \begin{eqnarray} \kappa_1(v_i) &=& H(v_i) + \sqrt {H(v_i)^2 - K(v_i)} \\ \kappa_2(v_i) &=& H(v_i) - \sqrt {H(v_i)^2 - K(v_i)} \end{eqnarray} \]

Discrete Mean & Principal Curvatures


  • In the following lectures, the Laplacian will also be used to
    • improve mesh quality
    • compute a parameterization
    • deform a surface
    • etc.

The Laplacian is the central concept in this course!


  • Botsch et al., Polygon Mesh Processing, AK Peters, 2010
    • Chapter 3

- Meyer et al.: Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds. In Visualization and Mathematics III, Springer, 2003.