
Geometry Processing
Prof. Edward Chien
Computer Graphics & Geometry Processing

Recall: Discrete Differential Geometry

Uniform Laplace

  • Uniform Laplace-Beltrami discretization \[ \laplace f\of{v_i} \;:=\; \frac{1}{\abs{\set{N}_1\of{v_i}}} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} \left( f\of{v_j} - f\of{v_i} \right) \]
  • Properties
    • depends only on connectivity
    • does not take into account geometry at all
    • not accurate for irregular triangulations

Discrete Laplace-Beltrami

  • Cotangent Laplace-Beltrami discretization \[ \laplace_{\set{S}} f\of{v_i} \;:=\; \frac{1}{2A\of{v_i}} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} \left( \cot \alpha_{ij} + \cot \beta_{ij} \right) \left( f\of{v_j} - f\of{v_i} \right)\]
  • Properties
    • depends on connectivity and geometry
    • more accurate than uniform discretization
    • weights can become negative
    • most frequently used discretization

Discrete Curvatures

  • Mean curvature (absolute value) \[ H(v_i) = \frac{1}{2} \norm{ \laplace_\set{S} \vec{x}_i}\]
  • Gaussian curvature \[ K(v_i) = (2 \pi - \sum_j \theta_{j}) \,/\, A(v_i) \]
  • Principal curvatures \[ \begin{eqnarray} \kappa_1(v_i) &=& H(v_i) + \sqrt {H(v_i)^2 - K(v_i)} \\ \kappa_2(v_i) &=& H(v_i) - \sqrt {H(v_i)^2 - K(v_i)} \end{eqnarray} \]

Today: Mesh Smoothing


  • Filter out high-frequency noise

input model
smoothed model


  • Filter out high-frequency noise

Desbrun et al.: Implicit Fairing of Irregular Meshes using Diffusion and Curvature Flow, SIGGRAPH 1999


  • Advanced filtering


Kim, Rosignac: Geofilter: Geometric Selection of Mesh Filter Parameters, Eurographics 2005


  • Spectral Analysis
  • Diffusion Equation
  • Numerical Solutions

Spectral Analysis

Fourier Transform

  • Represent a function as a weighted sum of sine and cosine functions
Joseph Fourier

\[ f\of{x} \;=\; a_0 + a_1 \cos\of{x} + a_2 \cos\of{3x} + a_3 \cos\of{5x} + a_4 \cos\of{7x} + \dots \]

Fourier Transform

\[F(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \, \func{e}^{-2\pi\func{i}\omega x} \func{d}x\]


\[f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} F(\omega) \, \func{e}^{2\pi\func{i}\omega x} \;\func{d}\omega\]

Wikipedia: Fourier Transform and \(L^2\) Inner Product


  • Smooth signal by convolution with a kernel function \[ h(x) \;=\; f * g \;:=\; \int f(y) \cdot g(x-y) \,\func{d}y \]

  • Example: Gaussian blurring
    lenna.png lenna_equation.png lenna_smooth.png

Wikipedia: Convolution


  • Smooth signal by convolution with a kernel function \[ h(x) \;=\; f * g \;:=\; \int f(y) \cdot g(x-y) \,\func{d}y \]

  • Convolution in spatial domain ⇔ Multiplication in frequency domain \[ H\of{\omega} \;=\; F\of{\omega} \cdot G\of{\omega} \]

Filtering with Fourier Transform

  • Spatial domain \(f(x) \rightarrow\) frequency domain \(F(\omega)\)
    \[ F(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \, \func{e}^{-2\pi \func{i}\omega x} dx\]
  • Multiply by low-pass filter \(G(\omega)\)
    \[ \tilde{F}(\omega) = F(\omega) G(\omega)\]
  • Frequency domain \(\tilde{F}(\omega) \rightarrow\) spatial domain \(\tilde{f}(x)\)
    \[ \tilde{f}(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \tilde{F}(\omega) \, \func{e}^{2\pi \func{i}\omega x} dx\]

Filtering with Fourier Transform

original signal \(f(t)\)

frequency spectrum \(\abs{F(\omega)}\)

filtered signal \(\tilde{f}(t)\)

Filtering with Fourier Transform

original signal
original spectrum
filtered spectrum
filtered signal

Spectral Analysis for Meshes

  • Fourier transform requires functional representation
  • How to generalize to meshes?
  • Observation: Complex waves are eigenfunctions of Laplacian \[\Delta e^{2 \pi \func{i} \omega x} = \frac{\func{d}^2}{\func{d}x^2} \func{e}^{2 \pi \func{i} \omega x} = -(2 \pi \omega)^2 \func{e}^{2 \pi \func{i} \omega x}\]
  • Idea: Use eigenfunctions of discrete Laplace-Beltrami as spectral basis

Wikipedia: Eigenfunctions

Discrete Laplace-Beltrami

  • Function values sampled at the \(n\) mesh vertices \[\vec{f} = [f(v_1), f(v_2), \ldots, f(v_n)]\T \in \R^n\]
  • Discrete Laplace-Beltrami (per vertex) \[ \laplace f\of{v_i} = \frac{1}{2A_i} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} \left( \func{cot} \alpha_{ij} + \func{cot} \beta_{ij} \right) \left( f \of{v_j} - f \of{v_i} \right)\]

Discrete Laplace-Beltrami

  • Discrete Laplace operator is sparse matrix \(\mat{L} = \mat{DM} \in \R^{n \times n}\)

\[ \matrix{\vdots \\ \laplace_\set{S} f\of{v_i} \\ \vdots} \;=\; \mat{L} \cdot \matrix{\vdots \\ f \of{v_i} \\ \vdots} \]

Discrete Laplace-Beltrami

  • Discrete Laplace operator is sparse matrix \(\mat{L} = \mat{DM} \in \R^{n \times n}\)

\[ \begin{align} \mat{M}_{ij} \;&=\; \begin{cases} \func{cot}\alpha_{ij} + \func{cot}\beta_{ij}, & i \ne j \,,\; j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i} \\ - \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1 \of{v_i}}\of{ \func{cot}\alpha_{ij} + \func{cot}\beta_{ij} } & i=j \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \\[2mm] \mat{D} \;&=\; \func{diag}\of{ \dots, \frac{1}{2A_i}, \dots} \end{align} \]

Spectral Mesh Analysis

  • Discrete Laplace operator is sparse matrix \(\mat{L} = \mat{DM} \in \R^{n \times n}\)
    • Eigenvectors are “natural vibrations”
    • Eigenvalues are “natural frequencies”
Color-coded Eigenvectors

Levy, Zhang: Spectral Mesh Processing, SIGGRAPH Courses 2010

Spectral Mesh Analysis

  • Setup Laplace-Beltrami matrix \(\vec{L}\)
  • Compute \(k\) smallest eigenvectors \(\{\vec{e}_1, \ldots, \vec{e}_k\}\)
  • Reconstruct mesh from those (component-wise) \[ \begin{align} \vec{x} &:= \left[ x_1, \dots, x_n \right] & \vec{y} &:= \left[ y_1, \dots, y_n \right] & \vec{z} &:= \left[ z_1, \dots, z_n \right] \\ \vec{x} &\leftarrow \sum_{i=1}^k \, \left( \trans{\vec{x}} \vec{e}_i \right) \vec{e}_i & \vec{y} &\leftarrow \sum_{i=1}^k \, \left( \trans{\vec{y}} \vec{e}_i \right) \vec{e}_i & \vec{z} &\leftarrow \sum_{i=1}^k \, \left( \trans{\vec{z}} \vec{e}_i \right) \vec{e}_i \end{align} \]

Math Background: Inner Product

Spectral Mesh Analysis

  • Setup Laplace-Beltrami matrix \(\vec{L}\)
  • Compute \(k\) smallest eigenvectors \(\{\vec{e}_1, \ldots, \vec{e}_k\}\)
  • Reconstruct mesh from those (component-wise)

Levy, Zhang: Spectral Mesh Processing, SIGGRAPH Courses 2010

Spectral Mesh Analysis

  • Setup Laplace-Beltrami matrix \(\vec{L}\)
  • Compute \(k\) smallest eigenvectors \(\{\vec{e}_1, \ldots, \vec{e}_k\}\) Too complex for large meshes 😢
  • Reconstruct mesh from those (component-wise)

Levy, Zhang: Spectral Mesh Processing, SIGGRAPH Courses 2010

Diffusion Flow

Diffusion Flow

  • Diffusion equation is frequently used to smooth signals \[\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} = \lambda \Delta f\]
    • \(\lambda\) is the diffusion constant
    • \(\Delta\) is the Laplace operator
  • Solve numerically
    • Discretize function in space & time
    • Discretize time derivative
    • Discretize spatial derivatives

Wikipedia: Diffusion Equation

Discretize PDE on Regular Grid

  • Sample function \(f(x,y,t)\) on a regular grid with spacing \(h\) and time-step \(\delta_t\) \[f[i,j,t] \;=\; f\left(i \cdot h, j \cdot h, t \cdot \delta t \right) \]

Discretize PDE on Regular Grid

  • Sample function \(f(x,y,t)\) on a regular grid with spacing \(h\) and time-step \(\delta_t\) \[f[i,j,t] \;=\; f\left(i \cdot h, j \cdot h, t \cdot \delta t \right) \]
  • Approximation of temporal derivative \[ f_{,t}[i,j,t] \;\approx\; \frac{f[i,j,t+1] - f[i,j,t]}{\delta t}\]
  • Approximation of Laplacian \[ \laplace f[i,j,t] \;=\; \frac{f[i+1,j,t] + f[i-1,j,t] + f[i,j+1,t] + f[i,j-1,t] - 4f[i,j,t] }{h^2} \]

Diffusion Flow in 2D

  • Continuous PDE \[f_{,t} \;=\; \lambda \left( f_{,xx} + f_{,yy} \right)\]
  • Finite difference discretization \[\frac{f[i,j,t+1] - f[i,j,t]}{\delta t} \;=\; \lambda \frac{f[i+1,j,t] + f[i-1,j,t] + f[i,j+1,t] + f[i,j-1,t] - 4f[i,j,t] }{h^2}\]
  • Leads to explict Euler time-integration \[f[i,j,t+1] \;=\; f[i,j,t] + \delta t \lambda \frac{f[i+1,j,t] + f[i-1,j,t] + f[i,j+1,t] + f[i,j-1,t] - 4f[i,j,t] }{h^2}\]
    • \(\delta t \lambda\) has to be small for explicit Euler (<1 in this case)!

Diffusion in 2D

Diffusion Flow on Meshes

  • Continuous PDE: \(\frac{\partial \vec{x}}{\partial t} \;=\; \lambda \Delta \vec{x}\)
  • Discretization: \(\vec{x}_i \leftarrow \vec{x}_i + \delta t \, \lambda \Delta \vec{x}_i\)

0 iterations
10 iterations
100 iterations

Diffusion Flow on Meshes

  • Problem: Time step needs to be very small to give stable results when using cotan Laplacian with area normalization
  • Better results with normalized weights (and ignoring the area term) \[\laplace \vec{x}_i \;=\; \frac{1}{\sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij}} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} \left( \vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_i \right) \]
    • Uniform weights \(w_{ij} = 1\)
    • Cotangent weights \(w_{ij} = \cot\alpha_{ij} + \cot\beta_{ij}\)

Uniform Laplace Discretization

  • Smoothes geometry and triangulation
  • Can be non-zero even for planar triangulations
  • Vertex drift can lead to distortions
  • Might be desired for mesh regularization

laplace_uniform.png umbrella_distortion.png

Desbrun et al.: Implicit Fairing of Irregular Meshes using Diffusion and Curvature Flow, SIGGRAPH 1999

Uniform vs Cotan Discretization

smoothing-weights-3.png smoothing-weights-4.png smoothing-weights-5.png

uniform Laplace
cotan Laplace

Numerical Solutions

Numerical Integration

  • Let’s write the position update in matrix notation
  • Write all points \(\vec{x}_i^{(t)}\) in a large vector/matrix: \[\vec{X}^{(t)} = \trans{\left( \vec{x}_1^{(t)}, \ldots, \vec{x}_n^{(t)} \right)} \in \R^{n\times 3}\]
  • Matrix version of explicit integration (requires small \(\delta t \lambda\)) \[\vec{X}^{(t+1)} = (\vec{I} + \delta t \, \lambda \vec{L}) \, \vec{X}^{(t)}\]
  • Matrix version of implicit integration (works for any \(\delta t \lambda\)) \[(\vec{I} - \delta t \, \lambda \vec{L}) \, \vec{X}^{(t+1)} = \vec{X}^{(t)}\]

Wikipedia: Explicit/Implicit Integration

How to solve the linear system?

  • Solve linear system in each iteration \[(\vec{I} - \delta t \, \lambda \vec{L}) \vec{X}^{(t+1)} = \vec{X}^{(t)}\]
  • Matrix \(\vec{L} = \vec{DM}\) is built from Laplace weights \[\mat{M}_{ij} \;=\; \begin{cases} \func{cot}\alpha_{ij} + \func{cot}\beta_{ij}, & i \ne j \,,\; j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i} \\ - \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1 \of{v_i}}\of{ \func{cot}\alpha_{ij} + \func{cot}\beta_{ij} } & i=j \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

\[\mat{D} = \func{diag}\of{ \dots, \frac{1}{2A_i}, \dots}\]


How to solve the linear system?

  • Solve linear system in each iteration \[(\vec{I} - \delta t \, \lambda \vec{L}) \vec{X}^{(t+1)} = \vec{X}^{(t)}\]
  • Which solvers do you know?
    • Gaussian elimination? 💣
    • LU factorization? 💣
  • Analyze the properties of your system matrix!
    • very sparse (about 7 non-zeros per row) 😄
    • but not symmetric 😢

How to solve the linear system?

  • Matrix \(\vec{L} = \vec{DM}\) is not symmetric because of \(\vec{D}\).
    Symmetrize it by multiplying with \(\vec{D}^{-1}\) from the left \[(\vec{D}^{-1} - \delta t \, \lambda \vec{M}) \vec{X}^{(t+1)} = \vec{D}^{-1} \vec{X}^{(t)}\]
  • Now the linear system is
    • sparse 😄
    • symmetric 😄
    • positive definite 😄
  • We can use much more efficient solvers!
    • conjugate gradients 😘
    • sparse Cholesky factorization 😍

See Scientific Computing course notes

Try it yourself!


  • Botsch et al., Polygon Mesh Processing, AK Peters, 2010
    • Chapter 4