
Geometry Processing
Delaunay Mesh Generation
Edward Chien, edchien@bu.edu
Computer Graphics & Geometry Processing


  1. Voronoi Diagrams
  2. Delaunay Triangulation
  3. Mesh Generation

Voronoi Diagram


  • Given a set of 2D sample points \(\{\vec{p}_1, \ldots, \vec{p}_n\}\)
  • Partition the plane by assigning each 2D point \(\vec{x}\) to its nearest sample.
  • All points assigned to \(\vec{p}_i\) form its Voronoi cell \[\set{V}(\vec{p}_i) = \left\{ \vec{x} \in \R^2: \norm{\vec{x}-\vec{p}_i} \leq \norm{\vec{x}-\vec{p}_j}, \; \forall j \neq i \right\}\]
  • Edges and vertices of these cells form the Voronoi diagram (VD).
Georgy Voronoi
1868 - 1908

Voronoi Diagram


voronoi-diagram-2.svg voronoi-diagram-3.svg voronoi-diagram-4.svg

Voronoi Diagram

  • Each point pair \(\vec{p}_i\), \(\vec{p}_j\) defines a perpendicular bisector
  • The bisector of \(\vec{p}_i\) and \(\vec{p}_j\) defines two half-planes
  • Let \(H(\vec{p}_i, \vec{p}_j)\) be the half-plane containing \(\vec{p}_i\)
  • Voronoi cells are intersections of half-planes \[\set{V}(\vec{p}_i)=\cap_{i\neq j} H\of{\vec{p}_i,\vec{p}_j}\]

Voronoi Diagram


Voronoi Diagram

Complexity of Voronoi Diagram

  • One Voronoi cell per point, but cells are defined by intersecting \(n\) half-planes \[\mathcal{V}(\vec{p}_i)=\bigcap_{i\neq j} H(\vec{p}_i,\vec{p}_j)\]
  • Cells could have \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) edges
    • VD could have \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\) edges
    • Or is it just \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) edges?

Voronoi Diagram

voronoi-triangulation-1.svg voronoi-triangulation-2.svg

Complexity of Voronoi Diagram

  • Dual graph of VD is a triangle mesh (why?)
    • Dual: vertex \(\rightarrow\) face, edge \(\rightarrow\) edge, face \(\rightarrow\) vertex
    • Euler formula for triangle meshes: \(E \approx 3V = \mathcal{O}(n)\)
    • Dual mesh has \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) edges
    • Primal mesh has \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) edges

Properties of Voronoi Diagram

  • Voronoi cells are convex
  • Voronoi vertices have valence 3
    (if no 4 points are co-circular)
  • Voronoi vertices are circumcenters of its three defining sample points
  • These circumcircles do not contain other sample points

voronoi-diagram-1.svg voronoi-diagram-4.svg

Voronoi Algorithms

  • Incremental construction: \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\)
    • Insert point by point and update VD
    • New point falls into circumcircles of some triangles
    • Only those regions have to be updated
  • Fortune’s sweep-line algorithm: \(\mathcal{O}(n \log n)\)
    • Sort samples along x-direction
    • Sweep plane from left to right
    • Construct VD behind that plane
    • Optimal complexity

Voronoi Visualization

  • Draw a cone in z-direction at each sample \(\vec{p}_i\)
  • z-values measure distance from samples, i.e. \(z_i(\vec{x}) = dist(\vec{p}_i,\vec{x})\)
  • View cones from below (parallel projection)
  • Cone intersections project to Voronoi edges!

3D cones
side view
bottom view
bottom view

Delaunay Triangulation

Delaunay Triangulation

  • The dual graph of the Voronoi diagram is a planar straight line graph, the Delaunay triangulation (DT)
  • Circumcircles of DT triangles are empty
    • DT triangles are duals of VD vertices
    • Criterion can be used for DT construction

Boris Delaunay
1890 - 1980

Delaunay Triangulation

Delaunay Edge Flipping

  • Check whether an edge is Delaunay by testing circumcircles of its incident triangles
  • Simply flip edge to make it Delaunay!

delaunay-flip-3.svg delaunay-flip-6.svg

In-Circle Test

  • How to efficiently compute \(\func{InCircle}\of{ \vec{A}, \vec{B}, \vec{C}, \vec{D} }\)?
    • Project onto paraboloid: \((x,y) \mapsto (x, y, x^2 + y^2)\)
    • Projected points \(\vec{A}'\), \(\vec{B}'\), \(\vec{C}'\) define a plane cutting through the paraboloid
    • 3D intersection curve projects to 2D circumcircle
    • \(\vec{D}\) is in/out circumcircle \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(\vec{D}'\) is below/above plane
    • \(\vec{D}'\) below/above plane \(\Leftrightarrow\) \(\func{volume}(\vec{A}',\vec{B}',\vec{C}',\vec{D}') < 0\) or \(>0\)
    • \[\func{volume}(\vec{A}',\vec{B}',\vec{C}',\vec{D}') \;=\; \func{det} \matrix{ A_x & A_y & A_x^2 + A_y^2 & 1 \\ B_x & B_y & B_x^2 + B_y^2 & 1 \\ C_x & C_y & C_x^2 + C_y^2 & 1 \\ D_x & D_y & D_x^2 + D_y^2 & 1} \]

in-circle-test-1.svg in-circle-test-2.svg

In-Circle Test

  • How to efficiently compute \(\func{InCircle}\of{ \vec{A}, \vec{B}, \vec{C}, \vec{D} }\)?
    • \[\func{InCircle}\of{\vec{A}, \vec{B}, \vec{C}, \vec{D}} \Leftrightarrow \func{det} \matrix{ A_x & A_y & A_x^2 + A_y^2 & 1 \\ B_x & B_y & B_x^2 + B_y^2 & 1 \\ C_x & C_y & C_x^2 + C_y^2 & 1 \\ D_x & D_y & D_x^2 + D_y^2 & 1 } < 0 \]
  • Swapping rows in determinants
    • \(\func{InCircle}\of{\vec{A}, \vec{B}, \vec{C}, \vec{D}} == \func{InCircle}\of{\vec{C}, \vec{D}, \vec{A}, \vec{B}}\)
    • \(\func{InCircle}\of{\vec{A}, \vec{B}, \vec{C}, \vec{D}} == -\func{InCircle}\of{\vec{B}, \vec{C}, \vec{D}, \vec{A}}\) in-circle-test-3.svg

in-circle-test-1.svg in-circle-test-2.svg

Maximum Minimum Angle

  • Delaunay criterion maximizes the minimum angle
    • Can be seen from Thales’ theorem
  • Delaunay triangulation avoids small angles
    • Leads to numerically preferable meshes
    • Most important advantage of DT

Incremental Algorithm

  • Given a set of 2D sample points \(\{ \vec{p}_1, \vec{p}_2, \vec{p}_3, \ldots \}\)
    • Insert points one by one
    • Flip edges to establish Delaunay property
  • Avoid special cases
    • Add a big triangle \((\vec{q}_1, \vec{q}_2, \vec{q}_3)\) containing all \(\vec{p}_i\)
    • Those points can later be removed
    • Points are then always inserted into existing triangles

Incremental Algorithm

delaunay-algo-00.svg delaunay-algo-01.svg delaunay-algo-02.svg delaunay-algo-03.svg delaunay-algo-04.svg delaunay-algo-05.svg delaunay-algo-06.svg delaunay-algo-07.svg delaunay-algo-08.svg delaunay-algo-09.svg delaunay-algo-10.svg delaunay-algo-11.svg

Incremental Algorithm

  • For each point \(\vec{p}_i\)
    • Find containing triangle
    • Insert point into triangle (1-to-3 split)
    • Flip edges to re-establish Delaunay property
      (see [deBerg] on which edges to check)
  • Incremental algorithm
    • Complexity is \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\), but it’s simple to implement
  • Fortune’s sweep-line algorithm
    • Optimal \(\mathcal{O}(n \log n)\) complexity, but complicated

Mesh Generation

Constrained Delaunay Triangulation

  • Enforce certain edges in triangulation
    • Either prevent flipping (\(\rightarrow\) bad triangles)
    • Or subdivide edges sufficiently (\(\rightarrow\) many triangles)

constrained-delaunay-1.svg constrained-delaunay-2.svg constrained-delaunay-3.svg constrained-delaunay-4.svg constrained-delaunay-5.svg constrained-delaunay-6.svg constrained-delaunay-7.svg

2D Meshing

Input points & edges
Constrained Delaunay triangulation

Remove exterior

Images from J. Shewchuck

2D Meshing

  • 2D Delaunay triangulation
    • Maximizes minimum angle
    • Optimal triangulation for given set of vertices
    • Why can there still be bad triangles?

Delaunay Refinement

  • Delaunay triangulation might contain bad triangles, depending on vertex distribution
  • Measure triangle quality by
    • circumradius / shortest-edge
    • smallest inner angles

Delaunay Refinement

  • Insert new vertices to eliminate bad triangles
  • Eliminate “bad” triangles by inserting their circumcenter into the triangulation
  • Bad triangle will fail the empty-circumcircle test and will therefore be removed

delaunay-refinement-1.svg delaunay-refinement-2.svg delaunay-refinement-3.svg

Delaunay Refinement

  • Insert new vertices to eliminate bad triangles
  • Eliminate “bad” triangles by inserting their circumcenter into the triangulation
  • Bad triangle will fail the empty-circumcircle test and will therefore be removed
while (!finished)
    tri = find_worst_triangle( triangulation );
    if (is_too_bad(tri))
        c = circum_center(tri);
        insert_point( triangulation, c );
    else finished = true;

2D Meshing

Input points & edges
Constrained Delaunay triangulation

Remove exterior
Delaunay refinement

Images from J. Shewchuck

Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams

  • How can we get more regular triangulations?
    • Delaunay triangulation of Centroidal Voronoi Diagram (CVD)
  • Definition:
    • All points are centroids of their Voronoi cells

Voronoi diagram
Centroidal Voronoi diagram

Compute CVD by Lloyd relaxation

  • While not converged
    1. Compute Voronoi diagram of points \(\vec{p}_i\)
    2. Move \(\vec{p}_i\) to centroids \(\vec{c}_i\) of Voronoi cells \(\set{V}_i\) \[ \vec{p}_i \;\leftarrow\; \vec{c}_i = \left\{ \frac{\int_{\set{V}_i} \vec{x}\cdot\rho(\vec{x}) \func{d}\vec{x}} {\int_{\set{V}_i} \rho(\vec{x}) \func{d}\vec{x}} \right\} \]

lloyd-1.png lloyd-2.png lloyd-3.png lloyd-4.png

Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams

Daniel Sieger


  • Botsch et al., Polygon Mesh Processing, AK Peters, 2010.
    • Chapter 6.4
  • de Berg et al., Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2008.
  • O’Rourke, Computational Geometry in C, Cambridge University Press, 1998.