
Geometry Processing
Prof. Edward Chien
Computer Graphics & Geometry Processing


  • Recap: Differential Geometry
  • Classification of Mappings
  • Harmonic Functions
  • Discrete Harmonic Maps
  • Advanced Methods


  • Texture Mapping

Wikipedia: Texture Mapping


  • Normal Mapping

Wikipedia: Normal Mapping

Mesh Parameterization

  • Find a one-to-one (bijective) mapping between a given surface mesh and a 2D parameter domain

Unfolding the World


Spherical Coordinates


\[ \matrix{\theta \\ \phi} \mapsto \matrix{\sin \theta \sin \phi \\ \cos \theta \ \sin\phi \\ \cos \phi} \]

Desirable Properties

  • Bijective mapping texture_mapping.png

  • Low distortion
    • How to measure distortion?
    • Can distortion be avoided completely?


  • Different kinds of distortion
    • preserve angles (conformal, 2nd image)
    • preserve areas (equi-areal, 4th image)

Floater, Hormann: Surface Parameterization: A Tutorial and Survey, 2005

Differential Geometry

  • Parametric surface representation \[ \begin{eqnarray} \vec{x} \colon \Omega \subset \R^2 & \to & \set{S} \subset \R^3 \\[2mm] \of{u,v} & \mapsto & \matrix{x\of{u,v} \\ y\of{u,v} \\ z\of{u,v}} \end{eqnarray} \]
  • Regular if
    • Coordinate functions \(x\), \(y\), \(z\) are smooth
    • Tangents are linearly independent: \(\vec{x}_{,u} \times \vec{x}_{,v} \neq \vec{0}\)


Distortion Analysis


  • Jacobian transforms infinitesimal vectors \[ \func{d}\vec{x} = \mat{J} \func{d}\vec{u} \quad \quad \mat{J} = \matrix{ x_{,u} & x_{,v} \\ y_{,u} & y_{,v} \\ z_{,u} & z_{,v} } \] \[\norm{\func{d}\vec{x}}^2 \;=\; \trans{\func{d}\vec{u}} \trans{\mat{J}} \mat{J} \, \func{d}\vec{u} \;=\; \trans{\func{d}\vec{u}} \mat{I} \, \func{d}\vec{u} \]

First Fundamental Form

  • Characterizes the surface metric locally \[\mat{I} \;=\; \matrix{ \trans{\vec{x}_{,u}} \vec{x}_{,u} & \trans{\vec{x}_{,u}} \vec{x}_{,v} \\[1mm] \trans{\vec{x}_{,u}} \vec{x}_{,v} & \trans{\vec{x}_{,v}} \vec{x}_{,v} }\]
  • Allows to measure on the surface
    • Angles: \(\cos\theta \;=\; \left( \trans{ \func{d}\vec{u}_1} \, \mat{I} \, \func{d}\vec{u}_2 \right) / \left( \norm{\func{d}\vec{u}_1} \cdot \norm{\func{d}\vec{u}_2} \right)\)
    • Length: \(\func{d}s^2 \;=\; \trans{\func{d}\vec{u}} \, \mat{I} \, \func{d}\vec{u}\)
    • Area: \(\func{d}A \;=\; \sqrt{\func{det}\of{\mat{I}}} \,\func{d}u\,\func{d}v\)

First Fundamental Form

\[\vec{f}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v} \]


\[\vec{g}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v^2} \]


First Fundamental Form

\[\vec{f}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v} \]

\[\vec{f}_{,u} = \matrix{\cos u \\ -\sin u \\ 0} \quad \vec{f}_{,v} = \matrix{0 \\ 0 \\ 1}\]

\[\vec{g}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v^2} \]

\[\vec{g}_{,u} = \matrix{\cos u \\ -\sin u \\ 0} \quad \vec{g}_{,v} = \matrix{0 \\ 0 \\ 2v}\]

First Fundamental Form

\[\vec{f}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v} \]

\[\vec{I_f}(u,v) = \matrix{1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 } \]

\[\vec{g}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v^2} \]

\[\vec{I_g}(u,v) = \matrix{1 & 0 \\ 0 & 4v^2 }\]

same shape, but different metric!

First Fundamental Form

\[\vec{f}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v} \]


\[\vec{g}(u,v) = \matrix{\sin u \\ \cos u \\ v^2} \]



A regular parameterization \(\vec{x} \colon \Omega \to \set{S}\) is

  • conformal (angle preserving), if the angle of every pair of intersecting curves on \(\set{S}\) is the same as that of the corresponding pre-images in \(\Omega\).
  • equiareal (area preserving) if every part of \(\Omega\) is mapped onto a part of \(\set{S}\) with the same area
  • isometric (length preserving), if the length of any arc on \(\set{S}\) is the same as that of its pre-image in \(\Omega\).


  • Different kinds of distortion
    • preserve angles (conformal, 2nd image)
    • preserve areas (equi-areal, 4th image)

Floater, Hormann: Surface Parameterization: A Tutorial and Survey, 2005

Isometric Maps

  • A regular parameterization \(\vec{x}(u,v)\) is isometric, iff its first fundamental form is the identity: \[\mat{I}\of{u,v} \;=\; \matrix{ 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 }\]
  • A surface can have an isometric parameterization, iff it has zero Gaussian curvature.
    • Which surfaces with zero Gaussian curvature do you know?

“iff” := “if and only if”

Conformal Maps

  • A regular parameterization \(\vec{x}(u,v)\) is conformal, iff its first fundamental form is a scalar multiple of the identity: \[\mat{I}\of{u,v} \;=\; s\of{u,v} \cdot \matrix{ 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 }\]

Wikipedia: Conformal Map

Conformal Maps


Equiareal Maps

  • A regular parameterization \(\vec{x}(u,v)\) is equiareal, iff the determinant of its first fundamental form is 1: \[\func{det}\of{\mat{I}\of{u,v}} \;=\; 1\]

Wikipedia: Equiareal Map


  • An isometric parameterization is conformal and equiareal, and vice versa:

isometric ⇔ conformal + equiareal

  • Isometric is ideal, but rare. In practice, people try to compute:
    • Conformal
    • Equiareal
    • Some balance between the two


  • Least-Squares Conformal Maps
    • tries to minimize angle distortion and non-uniform scalings
    • implemented in many tools, e.g. Matlab, Blender, MeshLab, libigl, etc.

Levy et al., Least squares conformal maps for automatic texture atlas generation, SIGGRAPH 2002

Harmonic Functions on Surfaces

  • A function \(\vec{f} \colon \set{S} \to \R^n\) on a surface \(\set{S}\) is harmonic if it satisfies (for each coordinate) \[\laplace_{\set{S}} \vec{f} \;=\; 0\]

  • A harmonic function minimizes the Dirichlet energy given suitable boundary conditions \[E_D(\vec{f}) = \int_{\set{S}} \norm{ \grad_{\set{S}} \vec{f} }^2 \func{d}A\]

Wikipedia: Harmonic Function

Harmonic Maps

  • Isometric maps are conformal, conformal maps are harmonic:
    isometric ⇒ conformal ⇒ harmonic
  • Harmonic maps are easier to compute than conformal maps
  • Harmonic maps are not conformal in general, i.e. do not necessarily preserve angles

Harmonic Maps

Theorem [Rado-Kneser-Choquet] 

If \(\vec{f} \colon \set{S} \to \R^2\) is harmonic and maps the boundary \(\partial \set{S}\) of \(\set{S}\) homeomorphically onto the boundary \(\partial \Omega\) of some convex region \(\Omega \subset \R^2\), then \(\vec{f}\) is bijective.

Wikipedia: Rado-Kneser-Choquet Theorem

Discrete Maps

  • Piecewise linear map of a discrete 3D triangle mesh onto a planar 2D polygon
  • Given a mesh \(\set{S}\) compute the mapping \(\vec{u} \colon \set{S} \to \Omega \subset \R^2\), i.e., for each vertex \(v_i\) find parameter values \(\vec{u}_i \in \R^2\).

Discrete Harmonic Maps

  1. Map the boundary \(\partial \set{S}\) homeomorphically to some (convex) polygon \(\partial \Omega\) in the parameter plane
  2. Solve \(\laplace_{\set{S}} \vec{u} = 0\) through a linear system \[\forall v_i \in \set{S} \;:\; \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} \left( \vec{u}\of{v_j} - \vec{u}\of{v_i} \right) = 0\] \[w_{ij} \;=\; \func{cot} \alpha_{ij} + \func{cot} \beta_{ij}\]


Example: Discrete Harmonic Map

  • Uniform Laplace discretization \(w_{ij} = 1\)
  • Boundary vertices: \(\{1,2,3,4\}\), interior vertices: \(\{5,6,7\}\)
  • Map boundary to convex polygon (unit square)

mesh graph
boundary constraints

Example: Discrete Harmonic Map

  • Solve linear system \(\vec{L}\vec{u} = \vec{b}\) to find parameters \(\vec{u}\) \[ \tiny \mat{L} \;=\; \matrix{ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & -5 & 1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & -4 & 1\\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & -4\\ } \quad \mat{b} \;=\; \matrix{ 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0 \\ 1& 1 \\ 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \\ 0& 0 \\ 0& 0} \quad \mat{u} \;=\; \matrix{ 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 \\ 0.53 & 0.53 \\ 0.25 & 0.45 \\ 0.45 & 0.25} \]

param_graph_boundary.svg param_mesh.svg

Discrete Harmonic Maps

  • Importance of proper discretization of Laplace Operator

uniform weight
cotangent weights

Discrete Harmonic Maps

  • How to solve the linear system?
    • Transform into symmetric positive definite system and solve it using conjugate gradients or sparse Cholesky
    • Simply iterate the following for all vertices (why?) \[ \forall v_i \in \set{S} \;:\; \vec{u}\of{v_i} \;\leftarrow\; \frac{1}{\sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij}} \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} \vec{u}\of{v_j}\]
  • We will discuss both methods next week…

Try it yourself!

Discrete Harmonic Maps

  • We know from the theorem of Rado-Kneser-Choquet that bijective harmonic maps onto convex domains exist.
  • Does the same hold for discrete maps?
  • Potential problems
    • triangles could flip
    • triangles could degenerate to zero area

Convex Combination Maps

  • A discrete mapping that satisfies the linear equations \[\sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} \left( \vec{u}\of{v_j} - \vec{u}\of{v_i} \right) = 0\] and has positive weights that sum to one, i.e. \[w_{ij} > 0 \quad \wedge \quad \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} = 1\] is called a convex combination mapping.

Convex Combination Maps

  • Each \(\vec{u}(v_i)\) is a convex combination of \(\vec{u}(v_j)\) \[ \vec{u}\of{v_i} \;=\; \sum_{v_j \in \set{N}_1\of{v_i}} w_{ij} \vec{u}\of{v_j}\]

Theorem [Tutte]:
If \(\vec{u} \colon \set{S} \to \Omega\) is a convex combination map that maps the boundary \(\partial \set{S}\) homeomorphically to the boundary \(\partial \Omega\) of a convex region \(\Omega \subset \R^2\), then \(\vec{u}\) is one-to-one.

Wikipedia: Tutte Embedding

Convex Combination Maps

  • Uniform barycentric weights \[ w_{ij} \;=\; 1 / \func{valence}\of{v_i}\]
  • Cotangent weights (\(> 0\) only if \(\alpha_{ij} + \beta_{ij} < \pi\)!) \[w_{ij} \;=\; \cot\of{\alpha_{ij}} + \cot\of{\beta_{ij}}\]
  • Mean value weights (always > 0) \[w_{ij} \;=\; \frac{ \tan\of{\delta_{ij}/2} + \tan\of{\gamma_{ij}/2} } {\norm{ \vec{x}_j - \vec{x}_i }}\]

cotanLaplace.png mean-value-weights.png

Convex Combination Maps

  • Comparison

Fixing the Boundary

  • Basic Approach
    • Choose a simple convex shape, e.g. triangle, square, circle
    • Distribute points on boundary, e.g. use arc length parameterization
    • Solve Laplace equation
    • Problem: Fixing the boundary can create high distortion

julius_boundary.png julius_texture_map.png


max_boundary.png max_param_high_distortion.png

Open Boundary Mappings

  • Include boundary vertices in the optimization
  • Produces mappings with lower distortion

Try it yourself!

Open Boundary Mappings

  • Need disk-like topology
  • Introduce cuts on the mesh

Open Boundary Mappings

  • Need disk-like topology
  • Introduce cuts on the mesh
  • Naive cut introduces numerical problems

camel_cut1.png camel_texture1.png

Open Boundary Mappings

  • Need disk-like topology
  • Introduce cuts on the mesh
  • Smart cuts reduce distortion

Texture Atlas Generation

  • Split model into number of patches (atlas)
    • because higher genus models cannot be mapped onto plane and/or
    • because distortion will be too high eventually


Levy et al., Least squares conformal maps for automatic texture atlas generation, SIGGRAPH 2002

Real-World Example


Real-World Example


Real-World Example

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  • Botsch et al., Polygon Mesh Processing, AK Peters, 2010
    • Chapter 5