Ephraim Linder

ejlinder (at) bu (dot) edu

Curriculum Vitae


About Me

I am a second year PhD student working under the supervision of Adam Smith in the Boston University Department of Computer Science. Before coming to BU, I completed a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at Rutgers University in 2022. I am primarily interested in sublinear time algorithms, data privacy, and connections between the two fields. In my free time I enjoy reading, chess puzzles, and coffee.


  • Local Lipschitz Filters for Bounded-Range Functions with Applications to Arbitrary Real-Valued Functions, Jane Lange, Ephraim Linder, Sofya Raskhodnikova, Arsen Vasilyan. Arxiv Manuscript (2023).
  • Average growth of Lp norms of Erdős–Szekeres polynomials, C. Billsborough, S. Gold, E. Linder, D.S Lubinsky, J. Yu. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, volume 166, pages 179-204 (2022).
  • Presentations

  • Local Lipschitz Filters for Bounded-Range Functions
    Workshop On Local Algorithms (WOLA) 2023 -- talk and poster presentation
    Boston University Department of Computer Science 40th Anniversary poster session -- poster presentation.
  • Teaching

  • Probability in Computing
    Teaching Assistant at Boston University, CAS C237 Fall 2023