Programming exercise 1. The goal of this exercise is to write a program implementing the (exponential time) reconstruction attack we saw in class which you can find described in Chapter 8 of the book DR linked from the course webpage - you can also look at the original paper linked here: More in details, the goal of the exercise is to define a function "attack" which takes in input a dataset D consisting of n records with 1 binary attribute and generate a database D’ which is at hamming distance less than 4E from D. The function attack can access the database D only using queries that are protected via uniform noise with perturbation E=sqrt(n). Test your attack by defining a function which checks that the dataset that the function attack outputs is at most at hamming distance 4E from D. I suggest that you repeat this test on several datasets D. To make it feasible I suggest you to use very small values of n, for example n=10 and n=12. Please, summarize the results of the test with some plot that can be used to visualize them (e.g. you could print the hamming distance for each testcase, etc.) Programming exercise 2. The goal of this exercise is to write a program implementing the algorithm RandomizedResponse that I presented - you can find it on the slides. I remind you that in this algorithm the input q:X→{0,1} is a predicate, and we are interested in the average number of record satisfying this predicate. Write a plotting function visualizing a bar plot comparing several runs of this algorithm on two different datasets. In this case we want to see that as we consider more and more runs of the algorithm the privacy_loss variable tends to be experimentally bound by ϵ. Additionally, we want some plotting function that could help us visualize the accuracy guarantee. To do this, write a plotting function that plot several output of the algorithm on a single database, and a single query, set a threshold alpha based on values of β accordingly to the accuracy theorem for differential privacy, and use this threshold to show how many points are above or below the threshold (counting them can also be helpful). Repeat several tests for different values of the parameters: n, ϵ, β .  NOTE: I am aware that the two programming exercises are not fully specified, especially in the plotting part, and this is intentional. Part of the exercise is trying to understand the concepts of privacy and accuracy guarantees and how to manipulate them and I think the best way to do this is by trial and error. Requirements for the submission: please submit a zip file containing both your code and few plots visualizing both the privacy and accuracy guarantees. Theoretical exercise 1 Suppose that we answer n counting queries q_1,...,q_n which are eps-differentially private, using laplace noise and sequential composition. Let's denote a_1,...,a_n the result of these queries on the dataset D. Prove that Pr[max_i (|q_i(D) - a_i|> ln(k/b)*(n/eps) ] <= b Theoretical exercise 2 Consider a noise addition mechanism similar to the laplace mechanism but where we sample the noise variable Y from a distribution P_x defined on a bounded interval [-x,+x] for some number x. That is: Mech(q,D)= q(D) + y where y~P_x (y is an element in [-x,x] with probability described by P_x) Prove that this mechanism is not (eps,0)-differentially private for any real number eps.