(* Secure Message Communication via a One-time Pad, Formalized in Ordinary (Non-UC) Real/Ideal Paradigm Style *) prover [""]. (* no use of smt *) require import AllCore Distr. (* minimal axiomatization of bitstrings *) op n : int. (* length of bitstrings *) axiom ge1_n : 1 <= n. type bits. (* type of bit strings of length n *) op zero : bits. (* the all zero bitstring *) op (^^) : bits -> bits -> bits. (* pointwise exclusive or *) axiom xorC (x y : bits) : x ^^ y = y ^^ x. axiom xorA (x y z : bits) : x ^^ y ^^ z = x ^^ (y ^^ z). axiom xor0_ (x : bits) : zero ^^ x = x. lemma xor_0 (x : bits) : x ^^ zero = x. proof. by rewrite xorC xor0_. qed. axiom xorK (x : bits) : x ^^ x = zero. lemma xor_double_same_right (x y : bits) : x ^^ y ^^ y = x. proof. by rewrite xorA xorK xor_0. qed. lemma xor_double_same_left (x y : bits) : y ^^ y ^^ x = x. proof. by rewrite xorK xor0_. qed. (* uniform, full and lossless distribution on bitstrings *) op dbits : bits distr. (* the following two axioms tell us that the size of bits is exactly 2 ^ n *) axiom dbits_ll : is_lossless dbits. (* is a distribution *) (* every element x of bits has the same weight, 1%r / (2 ^ n)%r *) axiom dbits1E (x : bits) : mu1 dbits x = 1%r / (2 ^ n)%r. (* so we can prove that dbits is full, i.e., every element of the type has a non-zero weight *) lemma dbits_fu : is_full dbits. proof. move => x. rewrite /support dbits1E. by rewrite RField.div1r StdOrder.RealOrder.invr_gt0 lt_fromint StdOrder.IntOrder.expr_gt0. qed. (* module type of Adversaries *) module type ADV = { (* ask Adversary for message to securely communicate *) proc get() : bits (* let Adversary observe encrypted message being communicated *) proc obs(x : bits) : unit (* give Adversary decryption of received message, and ask it for its boolean judgment (the adversary is trying to differentiate the real and ideal games) *) proc put(x : bits) : bool }. (* Real Game, Parameterized by Adversary *) module GReal (Adv : ADV) = { var pad : bits (* one-time pad *) (* generate the one-time pad, sharing with both parties; we're assuming Adversary observes nothing when this happens of course, it's not realistic that a one-time pad can be generated and shared with the adversary learning nothing *) proc gen() : unit = { pad <$ dbits; } (* the receiving and sending parties are the same, as encrypting and decrypting are the same *) proc party(x : bits) : bits = { return x ^^ pad; } proc main() : bool = { var b : bool; var x, y, z : bits; x <@ Adv.get(); (* get message from Adversary, give to Party 1 *) gen(); (* generate and share to parties one-time pad *) y <@ party(x); (* Party 1 encrypts x, yielding y *) Adv.obs(y); (* y is observed in transit between parties by Adversary *) z <@ party(y); (* y is decrypted by Party 2, yielding z *) b <@ Adv.put(z); (* z is given to Adversary by Party 2, and Adversary chooses boolean judgment *) return b; (* return boolean judgment as game's result *) } }. (* module type of Simulators *) module type SIM = { (* choose gets no help to simulate encrypted message; we specify below that choose can't read/write Adv's global variables *) proc choose() : bits }. (* Ideal Game, parameterized by both Simulator and Adversary *) module GIdeal(Sim : SIM, Adv : ADV) = { proc main() : bool = { var b : bool; var x, y : bits; x <@ Adv.get(); (* get message from Adversary *) y <@ Sim.choose(); (* simulate message encryption *) Adv.obs(y); (* transmission of encryption simulation is observed by Adversary *) b <@ Adv.put(x); (* x is given back to Adversary *) return b; (* return Adversary's boolean judgment *) } }. (* our goal is to prove the following security theorem, saying the Adversary (assuming it can't read/write GReal's global variables) is completely unable to distinguish the real and ideal games: lemma Security (Adv <: ADV{-GReal}) &m : exists (Sim <: SIM{-Adv}), (* there is a simulator that can't read/write Adv's global variables *) Pr[GReal(Adv).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[GIdeal(Sim, Adv).main() @ &m : res]. *) (* enter section, so Adversary is in scope *) section. (* say Adv and GReal don't read/write each other's globals (GIdeal has no globals) *) declare module Adv <: ADV{-GReal}. (* define simulator as a local module, as security theorem won't depend upon it *) local module Sim : SIM = { proc choose() : bits = { var x : bits; x <$ dbits; return x; } }. local lemma GReal_GIdeal : equiv[GReal(Adv).main ~ GIdeal(Sim, Adv).main : ={glob Adv} ==> ={res}]. proof. qed. lemma Sec &m : exists (Sim <: SIM{-Adv}), Pr[GReal(Adv).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[GIdeal(Sim, Adv).main() @ &m : res]. proof. qed. end section. (* security theorem *) lemma Security (Adv <: ADV{-GReal}) &m : exists (Sim <: SIM{-Adv}), Pr[GReal(Adv).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[GIdeal(Sim, Adv).main() @ &m : res]. proof. qed.