(* Secure Message Communication via a One-time Pad, Formalized in Ordinary (Non-UC) Real/Ideal Paradigm Style *) prover [""]. (* no use of smt *) require import AllCore Distr. (* minimal axiomatization of bitstrings *) op n : int. (* length of bitstrings *) axiom ge0_n : 0 <= n. type bits. (* type of bit strings of length n *) op zero : bits. (* the all zero bitstring *) op (^^) : bits -> bits -> bits. (* pointwise exclusive or *) axiom xorC (x y : bits) : x ^^ y = y ^^ x. axiom xorA (x y z : bits) : x ^^ y ^^ z = x ^^ (y ^^ z). axiom xor0_ (x : bits) : zero ^^ x = x. lemma xor_0 (x : bits) : x ^^ zero = x. proof. by rewrite xorC xor0_. qed. axiom xorK (x : bits) : x ^^ x = zero. lemma xor_double_same_right (x y : bits) : x ^^ y ^^ y = x. proof. by rewrite xorA xorK xor_0. qed. lemma xor_double_same_left (x y : bits) : y ^^ y ^^ x = x. proof. by rewrite xorK xor0_. qed. (* uniform, full and lossless distribution on bitstrings *) op dbits : bits distr. axiom dbits_ll : is_lossless dbits. axiom dbits1E (x : bits) : mu1 dbits x = 1%r / (2 ^ n)%r. lemma dbits_fu : is_full dbits. proof. move => x. rewrite /support dbits1E. by rewrite RField.div1r StdOrder.RealOrder.invr_gt0 lt_fromint StdOrder.IntOrder.expr_gt0. qed. (* module type of Adversaries *) module type ADV = { (* ask Adversary for message to securely communicate; the asterisk means get initializes Adversary's state *) proc * get() : bits (* let Adversary observe encrypted message being communicated *) proc obs(x : bits) : unit (* give Adversary decryption of received message, and ask it for its boolean judgment (the adversary is trying to differentiate the real and ideal games) *) proc put(x : bits) : bool }. (* Real Game, Parameterized by Adversary *) module GReal (Adv : ADV) = { var pad : bits (* one-time pad *) (* generate the one-time pad, sharing with both parties; we're assuming Adversary observes nothing when this happens of course, it's not realistic that a one-time pad can be generated and secretly shared, but the parties still need to use a one-time pad for secure communication *) proc gen() : unit = { pad <$ dbits; } (* the receiving and sending parties are the same, as encrypting and decrypting are the same *) proc party(x : bits) : bits = { return x ^^ pad; } proc main() : bool = { var b : bool; var x, y, z : bits; x <@ Adv.get(); (* get message from Adversary, give to Party 1 *) gen(); (* generate and share to parties one-time pad *) y <@ party(x); (* Party 1 encrypts x, yielding y *) Adv.obs(y); (* y is observed in transit between parties by Adversary *) z <@ party(y); (* y is decrypted by Party 2, yielding z *) b <@ Adv.put(z); (* z is given to Adversary by Party 2, which chooses boolean judgment *) return b; (* return boolean judgment as game's result *) } }. (* module type of Simulators *) module type SIM = { (* choose gets no help to simulate encrypted message the ideal game (GIdeal) doesn't have any global state, and so we won't have to say anything below about how the simulator doesn't read/write that (nonexistent) state *) proc choose() : bits }. (* Ideal Game, parameterized by both Simulator and Adversary *) module GIdeal(Sim : SIM, Adv : ADV) = { proc main() : bool = { var b : bool; var x, y : bits; x <@ Adv.get(); (* get message from Adversary *) y <@ Sim.choose(); (* simulate message encryption *) Adv.obs(y); (* encryption simulation is observed by Adversary *) b <@ Adv.put(x); (* x is given back to Adversary *) return b; (* return Adversary's boolean judgment *) } }. (* our goal is to prove the following security theorem, saying the Adversary is completely unable to distinguish the real and ideal games: lemma Security (Adv <: ADV{GReal}) &m : exists (Sim <: SIM), Pr[GReal(Adv).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[GIdeal(Sim, Adv).main() @ &m : res]. *) (* enter section, so Adversary is in scope *) section. (* say Adv and GReal don't read/write each other's globals (GIdeal has no globals) *) declare module Adv : ADV{GReal}. (* define simulator as a local module, as security theorem won't depend upon it *) local module Sim : SIM = { proc choose() : bits = { var x : bits; x <$ dbits; return x; } }. local lemma GReal_GIdeal : equiv[GReal(Adv).main ~ GIdeal(Sim, Adv).main : true ==> ={res}]. proof. proc. inline*. seq 1 1 : (={x, glob Adv}). call (_ : true). (* because Adv doesn't use oracle, invariant is "true" *) auto. seq 1 1 : (={x, glob Adv} /\ x{1} ^^ GReal.pad{1} = x0{2}). rnd (fun z => x{1} ^^ z). auto => /> &2. split => [z _ | _]. by rewrite -xorA xor_double_same_left. split => [z _ | _ z _]. by rewrite 2!dbits1E. split => [| _]. apply dbits_fu. by rewrite -xorA xor_double_same_left. call (_ : true). (* last statement of each program must be call *) wp. call (_ : true). auto => />. by rewrite xor_double_same_right. qed. lemma Sec &m : exists (Sim <: SIM), Pr[GReal(Adv).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[GIdeal(Sim, Adv).main() @ &m : res]. proof. exists Sim. by byequiv GReal_GIdeal. qed. end section. (* security theorem *) lemma Security (Adv <: ADV{GReal}) &m : exists (Sim <: SIM), Pr[GReal(Adv).main() @ &m : res] = Pr[GIdeal(Sim, Adv).main() @ &m : res]. proof. apply (Sec Adv &m). qed.