Boston University

CS697 - Spring 2021
Graduate Initiation Seminar

General information

Instructor Name:
Office Hours:

Adam Smith
On Zoom, by appointment
Marco Gaboardi
On Zoom, by appointment

Class Information


This required two-credit course is designed to help guide entering Ph.D. students through the challenging transition into the graduate program in Computer Science. As part of the responsibilities of students and mentors engaged in research, we will cover topics that overlap with the NSF/NIH Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) program.

Topics we will try to address range broadly across issues of research and scholarship, including:

The course will not cover details of program requirements and milestones, nor will the class provide academic advice specific to individual students in the class. For these please consult the Graduate Student Handbook and your academic advisor, respectively.

Course Syllabus and Readings

+ Course Syllabus

+ Required Readings for Upcoming Class Meetings

Resources and References

The following is a comprehensive list of materials and references that have been collected over the many iterations of this class over the years. Feel free to suggest others to the instructors! The required readings for each class meeting are subsets of the references below. Further information is also available via the RCR website at BU

On Being a Graduate Student

Choosing (and Managing the Relationship with)  your Advisor

Reading and Reviewing Research Papers

Writing Research Papers

Presenting Research Work

On Experimental design and data analysis

On Being a Scientist

On Academic Careers

Boston University Resources
