What is Cloth?

surrealist portrait of a woman with cotton clouds covering her eyes and body

Cloth is a material that is so ubiquitous in our lives that we often fail to notice it. From the clothes we wear to the blankets we sleep under, cloth is everywhere. It is both a symbol and a tool of our humanity. This anthology, titled Cloth, uses cloth as a metaphor to explore the profound interconnectedness of all things. Through short stories and surrealist poetry, the authors in this collection examine the many ways in which we are all connected, and the ways in which our lives are shaped by the threads that bind us together.

The themes explored in this anthology are wide-ranging and abstract. Toxic intimacy, feeling lost, and other intangible concepts are brought to life through the use of cloth as a symbol. The authors in this collection use cloth to explore the complex tapestry of human emotions and experiences, highlighting the ways in which we are all interconnected. Through their stories and poems, readers are invited to contemplate the larger web of connections that make up our lives, and to appreciate the subtle threads that bind us together.

Cloth is an anthology that is both deeply personal and universally relevant. While it is not centered around how cloth affects us, it uses cloth as a way to illustrate the profound interconnectedness of all things. The stories and poems in this collection offer a glimpse into the complexity of the human experience, and remind us that even the smallest threads can have a profound impact on the fabric of our existence.


A brief overview of what Cloth has to offer


Some other creators to check out if you enjoyed Cloth

  1. Daniel Ceasar - Singer, Songwriter
  2. Micheal Vincent Manalo - Visual Artist
  3. Nam Das - Visual Artist
  4. James Tate - Poet, Writer