Jeffrey Li

I don't remember the context for this photo
  • Jeffrey Li
  • 2025
  • Economics/Computer Science

Short Bio

Born in Houston, Texas and now studying Economics and Computer Science at BU. I am that guy people mean when they say "some people don't take the weather seriously." HTML always evades me for long enough where by the next time I have to use it, I've mostly forgotten how to use it again.


Image Activity My Thoughts Relevant Link
my best work

Collecting and painting models/minis

I like having models and trinkets to display around my house, sometimes I’ll play the game they’re attached to.

I get some rules and ideas here
yeah I eat my vegetables


I cook a lot because I eat a lot, the worst part of cooking will always be cleaning up. I’ve gotten a lot better at it recently.

This guy is pretty interesting
a funny I hit on New Year's


I don’t like gambling but I like this game. Putting together a funny hand does great things for my serotonin.

I usually play on this site