I am a 5th year PhD candidate in the department of Computer Science at Boston University and my advisor is Margrit Betke. I obtained my Master of Science degree in CS at BU in 2020. I am generally interested in topics that seek to minimize human efforts in supervision among various computer vision tasks via domain adaptive approaches, espcially learning from synthetic data.
Wang K, Zhang L, Zhang J, Detecting Human Artifacts from Text-to-Image Models, 22 pages, arXiv, Code
Wang K, Kim D, Feris R, Saenko K, Betke M, Exploring Consistency in Cross-Domain Transformer for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation, 12 pages, ICCV 2023, Code
Wang K*, Kim D*, Saenko K, Betke M, Sclaroff S, A Unified Framework for Domain Adaptive Pose Estimation, 22 pages, ECCV 2022, Code
Kim D, Wang K, Sclaroff S, Saenko K, A Broad Study of Pre-training for Domain Generalization and Adaptation, 22 pages, ECCV 2022, Code
Wang K, Akash K, Teruhisa M. Learning Temporally and Semantically Consistent Unpaired Video-to-video Translation Through Pseudo-Supervision From Generated Optical Flow, 13 pages, AAAI 2022, Code
Wang K, Yang C, Betke M. Consistency Regularization with High-dimensional Non-adversarial Source-guided Perturbation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Segmentation, 9 pages, AAAI 2021, Code
Yang C, Ablavsky V, Wang K, et al. Learning to Separate: Detecting Heavily-Occluded Objects in Urban Scenes, 17 pages, ECCV 2020, Code
Wang K*, Jalal M*, Jefferson S, et al. Scraping Social Media Photos Posted in Kenya and Elsewhere to Detect and Analyze Food Types[C], Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management, 10 pages, ACM 2019, Code
2020 Fall: CS440 Artificial Intelligence
2021 Fall: CS506 Computational Tools for Data Science
2022 Spring: CS542 Machine Learning