Kae Chi

Short Bio

Kae Chi, 2026, Computer Science and Philosophy

I'm Katelyn, but most people call me Kae. I'm a junior studying Computer Science and Philosophy at Boston University. Originally from Los Angeles, I now live in Boston for school. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, reading philosophical works, coding, exploring nature, and spending time with friends and family

Activities and Interests

Image Descriptipon Relevant Link


I am a part of Boston University's Rocket Propulsion Group where I spend a lot of my time working on software/firmware projects as a member of the avionics team.

BURPG's Website


I orignally started cooking out of needing to eat food, however as I develop experience, I find ways to add my own unique spin on foods. The image on the left is a photo of hainan chicken rice I made this semester.

Recipe I used before modifiying!


During the winter, I also ski a lot with my friends and family. I've been skiing since I was 9 and enjoy exploring Utah's back country during the breaks and holiday weekends. I also learned how to snowboard last winter, though I am not very good at it.

Powder Mountain's Official website