Brianna Li


Brianna Li

Math + Computer Science, 2025

Short Bio

Brianna grew up in Boston, MA and is currently a senior at Boston University studying Math and Computer Science. After graduation, she will be working in New York City as a Technical Program Manager at Microsoft.

Activities and Interests

Image Activity Description
SASE organization

Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)

Brianna is the Senior Advisor and former Vice President of SASE. BU SASE hosts bi-weekly professional, cultural and social events to prepare Asian heritage scientists and engineers for professional success and create a supportive, safe community on campus.



Brianna is the Senior Advisor and former President of PMReady. PMReady hosts weekly workshops about essential product management skills and speaker events. At the end of each semester, PMReady product teams pitch the product that they have been working on throughout the semester.



Brianna has been playing violin since 2009. She was a member of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra and toured internationally with the orchestra in 2018, 2019 and 2022. Now, she plays violin in a chamber music group on campus.


Restaurants and Cooking

In Brianna's free time, she likes to try out restaurants around Boston and attempt recipes from Instagram. She has ranked 176 restaurants on Beli, and has a goal to try 50 new restaurants for 2025. Her favorite cuisine is Japanese.