Object Shape Analysis and Segmentation

CS 585 HW 3
Zezhou Sun

Problem Definition

1. In part 1, implement connected component labeling algorithm, implement boundary following algorithm, implement orientation, circularity, area, compactness, boundary length calculation algorithms, implement skeleton finding algorithm. 2. In part 2, implement 2 segmentation algorithms, and convert color image sequence input into binary video output. Use part 1 algorithm to analysis data.

Method and Implementation

Part 1:
1. Apply StackConnectedComponents (Improved DFS like algorithm) to find connected component labeling algorithm. First assign all pixels to a certain value. And find a point to start, push all neighbors that have certain value to a stack. Every time pop a point from stack, and keep push all its neighbors to stack. Keep doing this until all pixels labeled.
2. In all labeled objects, filter objects that have small size.
3. Apply boundary following algorithm, that is: Start from a boundary point on object, start from this object, clockwise find next boundary pixel. Keep doing this until find that the start point again.
4. Calculate average x value, average y value of each object. Then calculate (x-x_ave)**2, (y-y_ave)**2, (x-x_ave)(y-y_ave) value of each object, that is our a, b, c. Than use this and arctan to get alpha orientation. Then use this to calculate E_min, E_max. Then get circularity. All calcualte boundary euclidean full length, times 4 pi, and divide by area of object. Then we get compactness.
5. For each point in object, find boundary pixel that have minimum distance to this point. Then for each bounary pixel, find the largest distance point. Then all these points are the skeleton of this object.

Part 2:
1. First implement absolute threshold. For grayscale, make all gray pixel over absolute threshold as white, others as black.
2. Second implement iterative threshold. First use average gray value of that image, then split images to two sections, and calculate average gray value for each section, then use average of each section's average gray value as new threshold. Then generate new sections. Keep doing this until average gray value of each section don't change much.
3. Also developed a background threshold, this is similar to adaptive threshold. Use average image of all images as background, compare image with this background. If gray value difference is larger than a certain value, make that pixel as white, otherwise black.


Part 1:
1. Use self implemented StackConnectedComponents to test. The input image should be binary image with white background, black objects. When objects is small, it takes less than 1s to calculate. But when object is too large, it will cost more time, this is caused by the stack tech I used. The larger the object is, the more pixels in it, and this will take more time in stack push (I used deque here, also I need to make sure there is no duplicate point pushed to that deque, so this takes a lot of time). Running time for this is about 1-4 seconds for given image, for object that are super large (like almost full image), this may takes over 10s to calculate.
2. Each picture is not similar. For open_fist-bw image, I use size 50 as filter. For open-bw-full, I can just use 10 as filter. For open-bw-partial I use 100 as filter. For tumor-fold image I use 10 as filter.
3. Its very quick to calculate boudnary for an object. Takes less then 1s to calculate it, even for a large object.
4. All math part involved is actually very simple. This part can be done in less than 1s.
5. This algorithm's running time varies. The larger the object is or the longer the boundary is, the more time it will take. For a super large object, this will take more than 10s. Complexity for this algorithm is O(mn) where m is the total pixel number of an object and n is the boundary length.
Each object is labeled with a random color, and use a red point to represent the centroid of that object. The green line cross it is the least inertia line, and the red line cross it is the largest inertia line. Boundary is draw in white. Skeleton is draw in yellow points.

Part 2:
1. This absolute threshold algorithm is actually very simple. Will done calculation in microseconds. Tried many thresholds, threshold 140 or larger can give a relativly good segmentation in bat frames, but not good enough. Small bat cannot be recognized. And hand in piano images cannot be segmentated by algorithm, also this don't works well for people frames.
2. Iterative threshold is also not good enough. It will recognize all the bottom part of the image as an object in bat video. This is bad. Also This cannot segment hand on piano or people well.
3. Background threshold (Adaptive threshold). This works well on bat segmentation, even small bats under great noise can be found. But not so good for hand detection. It will still get confused where is piano keys and where are hand (because of the light, the color of keys and color of hands are so similar). For people frames,use next frame as backgound (Similar idea as motion energy), and after background threshold, apply a dilation and erosion will be helpful to get people sections out. But still cannot find out correctly where people is.


Part 1: Output of this part are saved as images:
open_fist-bw-labeled.png, open-bw-partial-labeled.png, tumor-fold-labeled.png, open-bw-full-labeled.png


Trial Source Image Result Image
trial 1
trial 2
trial 3
trial 4

Part 2: output are saved as videos.


Trial Segmentation Video Labeled Video
Piano Piano_segmentation Piano_Labeled
Bat Bat_segmentation Bat_Labeled
People People_segmentation People_Labeled


Discussion about the algorithms I used: