Name: Mingyuan Sun

Name: Mingyuan Sun
Class year: 2025
Major: Computer Science

Short bio

Hi, my name is Mingyuan Sun, you can also call me Michael.
I grew up in Shanghai, China.
I am currently pursuing my bachelor degree in Computer Science at BU

Activities and Interests

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1. photograpy

Photography is a way for me to capture the beauty of everyday moments.
I enjoy exploring different perspectives, playing with light and shadows, and telling stories through images.
It allows me to be creative while also paying attention to details in my surroundings.

BU photography Club

2. ICPC contest

This year, I participated in the ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest with my classmates.
Although we didn't advance to the next round, it was a valuable learning experience.

ICPC NAC 2024 scoreboard

3. Guitar

My passion for playing the guitar stems from my love for rock music.
In my free time, I enjoy learning different songs and sharing them with my friends.
It's a great way for me to relax and express my creativity while connecting with others through music

a YouTube channel I like to use for learning guitar