
Chinchillas originally come from South America. Because of hunters, wild chinchillas are almost extinct. However, they are now being kept as domestic pets. Chinchillas hide when they feel threatened, so any habitat must have sufficient hiding space for the chinchilla. Often, PVC pipes are a good option if housing a chinchilla in your home.


Chinchillas eat many different things like pellets, hay, grass, and leafy greens. They also like an occasional treat consisting of dried fruit or sunflower seeds. It is important for them to get enough nutrients in their diet. A pellet-only diet is not sufficient. There must be variety.

Fun Facts

  • Chinchillas are very susceptible to heat stroke
  • Chinchillas groom themselves through what is called a dust bath
  • Chinchillas are prone to dental disease and constipation
  • Chinchillas that have good health are normally shy
  • Food is really good to entice chinchillas and get them to like you