Nora Bockert

My Picture Nora Lily Bockert
BU 2025
BA in Computer Science

Short Bio

I was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. I am a computer science major at BU and this year I am taking Theory of Computing, Full Stack Application Development, and Tools in Data Science. I am also taking an Ancient Food and Drinks class which is an exciting break from CS.

Activities and Interests

Picture Activity Description Links


Over the summer, I created a podcast called "Hello World" which is a little shoutout to my CS education. My first series was on Aliens and my next will be on Ghosts.

Hello, World

Learning Path Video Creator

One of my primary roles in my internship was to create eductaional videos about varies technologies and technological concepts.

Labs & Learning

Sustainable Ocean Alliance

As a member of SOA, I've learned about how to advocate for the oceans and about the impacts climate change will have on our oceans. In addition, I volenteer to clean up trash around the Charles. I also created a website for a final project in my Oceanography class about climate change's impact on hurricanes.

Sustainable Ocean Alliance