About Me

Who Am I?

  1. My name is Angeline Nguyen
  2. I am a computer science major
  3. I am 20 years old
  4. I am from Boston
  5. I am a junior

What is my Story?

I am a transfer student who came to Boston University in 2021. Before coming to Boston University, I came from a state school in Massachusetts
called UMASS Lowell. I was originally a Biology major with the goal of going to dental school. However, many decisions have been made like
as my major, and I finally declared Computer Science as my major.

I would've never expected Computer Science to be my major back when I was in high school because of how everyone emphasized how difficult it is.
But now that I am experiencing the Computer Science life, I wouldn't ever regret making this decision

What else is there to know about me?

Well..What kind of Dogs I have and What are their names you ask?

Breed Name
Rottweiler Champ
Rottweiler Crew