Songwen Zhao

Profile Image Personal Information

Songwen Zhao

Class of 2025

Computer Science

Short Bio

I grew up in Guangdong, China. Then I went to Connecticut for my high school. Right now I am studing Computer Science in Boston University

Activities and Interests

Activity Image Activity Description Links
Activity 1


I started playing tennis when I was 12 years old. I really enjoy this sport and find it very interesting. I play three to four times a week. I usually go to Daly Field for playing.

Tennis Court
Activity 1


I love watching movie before I go to bed. My favorite movie type is thriller. The Sixth Sense is my favorite movie

The Sixth Sense
Activity 3

Video Games

I love playing video games. My favorite game type is ARPG. And my favorite game is The Witcher.

The Witcher