Selene Ho

Hi! My name is Selene. I was born and raised in Oahu, Hawaii. I am a sophomore studying Environmental Analysis and Policy.
I took CS103 because I want to see if I am interested in CS. I am very excited to create websites and use my creativity.
Outside of school, I like to bake and go to the gym! For the future, it would be cool to do something with architecture,
technology, and the environment, or some kind of law! I am excited to learn about CS! :)

My Calendar

Day Morning Noon Afternoon
Mon class class class
Tues class free class
Wed class class class
Thurs class class free
Fri class class class
Sat weekend, yay!
Sun weekend, yay!

Favorite Foods

Bucket List

  1. sky dive
  2. bungee jump
  3. travel to as many countries
  4. study abroad
  5. outdoor rock climb more