Forsythia Garden

This is the internal page for Metera's CS103 final project website.

Cluster of Forsythia blooms

The image "Forsythia" is provided by Paul VanDerWerf under the CC BY 2.0 license.

The Springtime Philosophy

People are often told that in order to fully enjoy life, one should always take time to stop and smell the flowers. But how can life be enjoyed if opportunities just seem to be passing you by as you take a rest? Truly a conundrum. Even more so today, where absolutely everything seems overtly demanding of your time and efforts...and yet, one is also expected to have a healthy amount of inner peace and love for everyday life. My aim is to encourage the romanticization of the typical routine of what one would consider an ordinary day. To add color to the otherwise monotonous grey hues, and to reveal the aesthetically soft, but purposefully vibrant aspects of the mundane.

The Forsythia is a common yellow Springtime flower. So common, in fact, that they have long been used as regular food items in older cultures. Why mention this flower? Well, common as it may be, the Forsythia flower is still heralded as the first sign of Spring. After months of enduring the dreary winter weather and snow, the first sights of these pale golden blooms is sure to bring smiles. As such, the Forsythia represents...

To embody such meaning is to be free of the gloomy perspective of monotonous life. Find beauty in the weather, the passing people, the birds, the wind... Then use your raised spirits to try something new! Walk a route you've never taken before, try out a new cafe, a restaurant, visit a new store, try out a new style. The possibilities are endless. For it is true, that life only becomes boring and meaningless when you stop viewing yourself as a vessel for change. So try entertaining this mindset today! Who knows? Maybe you'll be inspired to test out some yummy Forsythia cooking as well!

Flower-themed foods to try!

  1. Pan-fried sweet rice Cakes with Flower petals
  2. Spring salad with edible flowers
  3. DIY Floral tea
  4. Vanilla Rose Shortbread
  5. Edible flower lollipops