CS 103 Link Text Examples

This page contains one example of good link text and five examples of link text that could be improved. Transform the five poor examples into five sentences with concise, readable link text that can be understood out of context (such as in an alphabetical set of links produced by a screen reader) and accurately represent the destination of the link.

To fix the poor link text, download this file to your own computer, and use a text editor to change the link text (move the hyperlink to a different set of words in the sentence). Alternatively, you may change the text of these sentences if you prefer, as long as the results are still complete sentences and the meaning is unchanged.

  1. The W3C's list of valid DOCTYPE declarations is very helpful if you are working with different versions of HTML.
  2. In "On Alt Text", legendary web designer Jeffrey Zeldman makes the case for using a null alt attribute in some cases to improve the experience for screen reader users.
  3. Information regarding Wikipedia's usage of Creative Commons licenses can be found on Wikipedia's home page.
  4. Watch the video "Matt Cutts Discusses the Importance of <alt> Tags" to learn how alt text contributes to the findability of a web page.
  5. In "The Democratization of Censorship," Brian Krebs writes about the largest DDoS attack in history.
  6. I found the blog post "Facebook privacy tips: How to share without oversharing," quite interesting.