Foundations of Cryptography (Winter 2001/2002) course
Oded Goldreich
Shafi Goldwasser
Teaching assistant:
Eran Tromer
Foundations of Cryptography (Fragments of a Book)
by Oded Goldreich (copies placed at the library)
Oded Goldreich,
Foundations of Cryptography - Basic Tools
, Cambridge Unviersity Press, 2001
Lecture Notes on Cryptography
by Shafi Goldwasser and Mihir Bellare
Foundations of Cryptography - drafts of Volume 2
by Oded Goldreich
Exercise 1: One-way functions and hard-core predicates
(published: 2001-11-29, due date: 2001-12-13)
Exercise 2: Pseudorandom generators and pseudorandom functions
(published: 2001-12-27, due date: 2002-01-10)
Exercise 3: Zero-knowledge, encryption and a bit of number theory
(published: 2002-02-07, revised 2002-02-20, due date: 2002-02-28)
Comments on Exercise 3