Secret Key Cryptography (Spring 2006) course
Instructor: Adi Shamir
Teaching assistant: Eran
Exercises are due 2 weeks after the lecture, and can be
submitted in
the course mailbox
Lecture outlines and resources
Most resources are available [online].
links denoted by
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but can be accessed through the Weizmann Institute web proxy. The links
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require the username and password given
in class. For some papers there is a reserved copy at [library]
Lecture 1: Introduction
- Types of cryptosystems
- Secret key cryptography
- Public key cryptography
- W.Diffie and M.E.Hellman, New
directions in cryptography,
IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, IT-22, 6, pp.644-654, 1976, [paper]
- Identity-based encryption
- A. Shamir, Identity-based
cryptosystems and signature schemes, proc. CRYPTO 84,
47--53. Springer, 1985
- D. Boneh, M. K. Franklin, Identity-Based
Encryption from
the Weil Pairing, proc. CRYPTO 01, 213--229, Springer, 2001
- Modes of attack
- Black-box analysis: known ciphertext, known plaintext,
chosen plaintext, related key
- Side-channels: timing attacks, power analysis, fault
analysis, cache analysis
- Foundations of cryptography
- Oded Goldreich, Foundations
of Cryptography - Basic Tools, Cambridge Unviersity Press,
- Oded Goldreich, Foundations
of Cryptography - Basic Applications, Cambridge Unviersity
- Fragments of the above books: [drafts]
- Classical (historial) ciphers
- Caesar's cipher, exhaustive search
- Vigenere cipher,Wlliam Friedman's "Index of Coincidence"
- Monoalphabetic substitution cipher
- The book method
- Autokey (key = secret prefix + shifted plaintext)
Exercise 1: Solve the cryptograms handout.
Exercise 2: Show how to break the autokey method (by method better than
the generic observation that the sum of two English text hased
bias statistics).
Lecture 2: Enigma
- History
- Reverse-engineering using permutation groups
- Discovering the message key using cillies
- Appendix: Rejewski's
method for recovering the Enigma message password [online]
- Discovering the ring settings using perforated sheets
- Deducing plugboard position using known
plaintext "cribs" (brief sketch
- Resources:
- Józef Garliński, Intercept
- The Enigma War, J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd.,
1979 [excerpt
- Diagrams and pictures of the Enigma [website]
- Marian Rejewski, An
Application of the Theory of
Permutations in Breaking the Enigma Cipher, Applicationes
mathematicae, 16(4), 1980 [online]
Exercise 1: Prove that for a permutation C=PQ, where each of
P and
Q transposed all elements in pairs, every cycle size appears an even
number of
times in C.
Exercise 2: Given a 1000-character Enigma ciphertext, how long does a
known plaintext fragment have to be in order to be uniquely placeable
via the exclusion property?
Lecture 3: Permutations, Shannon's theory
- Solving systens of equations in permutation groups
- U. Feige, A. Fiat, A. Shamir, I. Shimshoni, G. Tardos, Planning and Learning in
Permutation Groups,
Proceedings of the 30-th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,
Durham, NC, October 1989, 274--279 [paper]
- Basic information theory
- C. Shannon, Communication
Theory of
Secrecy Systems [paper]
- Shannon's information-theoretical approach for cipher
strength analysis
- Shannon's random cipher model, unicity distance
- C. Shannon, A
Mathematical Theory
of Communication, Bell System
Technical Journal, vol.
27, pp. 379-423 and 623-656, July and
October, 1948. [paper]
Exercise 1: Implement the above algorithm for solving equations in
permutation groups, and test experimentally for n=1 (number of
states), k=2
(permutations alphabet size), r=13
(word length).
What is the critical number of equations t0
needed for a random system to be solved with probability half?
Exercise 2: Generalize the approximate analysis of entropy rate to the
case of a source which emit symbols 1,2,3,...,k with
probabilities p1,p2,p3,
(whose sum is 1).
Exercise 3: Suppose an English plaintext is encrypted by addition with t different English
text keys. What is the minimal t
for this to be secure, in Shannon's model?
Lecture 4: Time/memory tradeoffs
- Elad Barkan, Eli Biham, Adi Shamir, Rigorous Bounds on Cryptanalytic
Time/Memory Tradeoffs, 2006 [paper] [slides]
Lecture 5
- Alex Biryukov, Adi Shamir, Structural
Cryptanalysis of SASAS, Eurocrypt 2001, pp. 394-405 [paper]
Lecture 6:
Cryptanalysis of DES
- Eli Biham, Adi Shamir, Differential
Cryptanalysis of the Data Encryption Standard, Springer
Verlag, 1993
- Eli Biham, Adi Shamir, Differential
cryptanalysis of DES-like cryptosystems, Technical report
CS90-16, Weizmann Institute of Science, [paper]
- C. de Canniere, A. Biryukov, B.
Preneel, An introduction to block cipher cryptanalysis, Proceedings
of the IEEE
vol. 94 issue 2,
Feb. 2006, 346--356 [paper]
- For broader suveys, see the relevant chapters of:
- Orr Dunkelman, Techniques
for Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers, Ph.D. thesis [paper]
- Elad Barkan, Cryptanalysis of
Ciphers and Protocols, Ph.D. thesis [paper]
Exercise 1: Show how to attack DES with incomplete avalanche (reduced
rounds) via a
Exercise 2: Consider any 5-round Feistel structure with invertible Fi's.
Prove that the differential pattern (0,A)->(0,A) never happens.
Lecture 7:
Differential cryptanalysis of DES (cont.)
- Arithmetic differentials (plus instead of XOR)
- Modifications of DES
- Changing or eliminating P
or E
- Changing the S-boxes
- Independent keys
- Characteristic vs. differential
- Proving resistance against differential attacks (upper bounding
characteristics' probability)
- Design of linear mapping and relation to error-correcting codes
- Fault attacks (single-bit faults in last rounds)
- Impossible differential attacks
- Find by exhaistive enumeration of reduced variant
(smaller, random S-boxes)
Exercise 1: Check the effect of changing the P permutation on the iterative
property of DES (prob. 1/234).
Exercise 2: Find the maximum differential property in a random
S-box of 6->4 bits
Exercise 3: Experimentally find the best differential probability of an
S-box layer followed by a bit permutation layer, with input width 128
bits, where every Si is chosen as a random
4->4 bit function and P is
a random 128->128 bit permutation. What are the implications on
attacking iterated SPSPSP..SP systems -- how many layers can you attack?
Exercise 4: Show the stages for an attack of DES when it is known that
a single-bit fault has occured on the input of a single S-box on the
15th or 16th round. Cover all cases for the location of the faults.
Lecture 8: Linear cryptanalysis
- Eli Biham, On Matsui's linear
cryptanalysis, proc. Eurocrypt 1994, LNCS 950, 341--355, 1995 [paper]
- Mitsuru Matsui, Linear
cryptanalysis method for DES cipher,
proc. Eurocrypt '93, LNCS 765,386--397. Springer, 1993 [paper]
- Piling-up lemma [Wikipedia entry]
Lecture 9: More on cryptanalysis
and cipher design
- Differential-linear cryptanalysis
- Boomerang attacks
- General constructions of block ciphers: SP networks, Feistel
networks, IDEA
- AES: Magenta, RC6, Serpent, Rijndael
- Algebraic attacks on Rijndael
- Bitslicing
- Modes of operation: ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, for multiple encryptions
Lecture 10: Hash functions
- Security requirements: preimage resistance, 2nd preimage
resistance, collision resistance
- Applications
- Constructions: Matyas-Meyer-Oseas, Davies-Meyer, Miyaguchi-Preneel
- Concatenated constructions, Joux's attack
- Antoine Joux, Multicollisions
in Iterated Hash Functions. Application to Cascaded Constructions,
proc. CRYPTO 2004, LNCS 3152, pp 306-31, Springer, 2004 [paper]
- Jonathan J. Hoch, Adi Shamir, Breaking
the ICE - Finding Multicollisions in Iterated Concatenated and Expanded
(ICE) Hash Functions, proc. FSE 2006 [paper]
Lecture 11: Hash functions (cont.)
- Joux's multicollision attack and extensions
- Examples of hash functiosn: MD4, SHA-0/1
- Differential attacks on hash functions
Lecture 12: Side-channel and fault attacks
- Power analysis (simple, differential)
- Paul Kocher, Joshua Jaffe, Benjamin Jun, Differential power analysis, proc.
CRYPTO '99, LNCS 1666, pp. 388--397, 1999 [paper]
- Timing attacks
- Cache attacks
- Power analysis of RFID tags
- Yossi Oren, Adi Shamir, Power
Analysis of RFID Tags, 2006 [web site]]