Fall 2024

Collaboration policies

Students are encouraged to discuss assignment requirements, formulas, sample outputs, and algorithms as part of the learning process. Students are always encouraged to discuss specific questions about programming syntax and error messages.

However, all programming assignments are expected to be individual work.

With respect to CS108, plagiarism is specifically defined to include (but is not limited to) the following: * copying any part of someone else’s program, even if you have permission and/or have modified the code * sharing or giving your code or even a subset of your code to another student to review * reviewing another student’s solution (including from past semesters) * excessive collaboration (i.e., writing your solution together)

It is course policy to use automatic plagiarism detection software, and suspicious similarities will be uncovered. It is the student’s responsibility to know and understand the provisions of the College of Arts and Science’s Academic Conduct Code.

Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with seriously.

The minimum penalty for a first time offense will be of a grade of 0 on the assignment or test in question, as well as a reduction in the overall course grade (e.g., from A to B).