Emma Kim

My Online Resume




BU Spark! UX Design Intern

(Jun 2023 - Present)

This semester, I am working as a UX Design Fellow at BU Spark!. My team is currently working on a project named Hada, a language learning tool meant to teach through repetition.

This past summer from June to August 2023, I worked as a UX Design Intern for BU Spark! on a team that was rebranding and redesigning the website Woke Windows. I reviewed and revised user stories, created user personas, designed low and high fidelity frames, and made a functioning high fidelity prototype.


Forge Design Labs UX Design Intern

(Jun-Aug 2023)

Over the summer, June to August 2023, I also completed an internship through Forge Design Labs, working with the client Alli Connect. For this internship, the goal was to transition from a website to a mobile web application, so I had to simplify the design from the original to fit the smaller screens. I created style and branding guides, user flow charts, low and high fidelity frames, prototypes, and functional components. Most of the designs were completed on Figma, Illustrator, and Photoshop.