Lady in yellow sitting on a palm tree looking into the pretty ocean

About me

Hi! My name is Bo Lin, I'm a first generation Chinese immigrant looking to make safe spaces for others like me. Chinese cuisine has always ba staple in my life, and I hope to pass my knowledge down to future generations, and anyone else who cares to listen!

Why a website?

With the way social media has dominated all our lives, we thought it'd be best to push our content online!

It's overwhelming, I know

Learning how to cook and sustain yourself isn't as easy as it looks, I totally get it. However, it's never too late to start. Even just starting the morning with a simple recipe can set a productive and positive tone for the rest of the day. Don't be intimidated, and push on! Don't forget to be patient with yourself.

Go forth!

With this cheatsheet, you'll be unstoppable! Take it slow and you'll be whipping up your own recipes in no time.