Michael Cao

My Online Resume


FlixFinder (May 2024)

  • Engineered full stack website that personalizes movie recommendations based on a user’s tweets
  • Secured user authentication through OAuth via Twitter API for seamless user login
  • Designed and integrated MongoDB schema to store user information, tweet data, and results
  • Integrated IBM Watson Language Processing API to analyze sentiment and emotions in tweets
  • Developed several React components for responsive web rendering
  • Employed Express.js and Node.js for efficient data processing, API integration, and server-side logic

PhotoSharing (Spring 2023)

  • Created a secure HTML-based social network for photo sharing
  • Implemented functionalities such as friend connections, album creation, and photo uploading
  • Designed and implemented a MySQL schema for efficient relational database management
  • Utilized Flask for the backend
  • Optimized database queries to enhance performance

VocabTrainer (Fall 2022)

  • Developed a Python desktop application using Tkinter to help users learn vocabulary
  • Designed and managed SQLite3 database for storing user vocabulary sets and user information
  • Modularized app components to promote a structured and maintainable design with scalability

LanguageTool (Summer 2023)

  • Constructed a full-stack website for language learning tools and gamified learning experiences
  • Utilized Nest.js and React framework for a modular development experience
  • Leveraged Nest.js and ORM database integration to manage user progress, stats, and streaks
  • Implemented Nest.js interceptors and guards, along with authentication middleware from Next.js, to secure user pages
