How can I submit an artwork to this website?

Our contact information is posted below this page. You can either post a letter to the given address, call us by our phone number, send an email, or submit a message from the message inbox below. The approval process takes approximately 3 to 5 business days, and you will be notified if your art has been posted!

Where do you find these Untitled art pieces?

Untitled art can be found anywhere - we use it as long we are given the proper permission to do so. Thus far, we have mostly used art work that is produced by ourselves, or through websites such as Flickr or in the Public Domain that allows free-use.

Can I purchase unfinished or untitled art from the website?

They are, unfortunately, not for sale as we don't own all of the art. Though, you can always come back to our website to view the art pieces again, or go straight to our credits page and contact the original creators!

Is unfinished art still considered as art?

For sure! There is so much value or hidden context in art that is unfinished. It is called unfinished art after all!

Are the creators of this website art experts themselves?

By all means no, just several people who believe that unfinished or untitled art deserves some love and attention as well. Check out our "About Us" page for more information about us!

Does this website have the proper license to use the art presented?

Yes, we make sure that each art piece presented is free to use. We have a "credits" page that accredits the artist and source of our art pieces.

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Boston, Massachusetts, 02215
TEL. +1 (617) 353-2000

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