Pokemon Black & White
Covered by Monet
The protagonist of Pokémon Black and White is Hilbert and Hilda, who journeys through Unova to become the Pokémon master. At the beginning of the games, the player chooses either Snivy, Tepig or Oshawott as their starter Pokémon as a gift from Professor Juniper. The protagonist's friends, Cheren and Bianca, are also rival Pokémon Trainers who occasionally battle the player; Cheren will choose the Pokémon with a type advantage against the player's, while Bianca will choose the Pokémon with a type disadvantage. The player's primary goal is to obtain the eight Gym Badges of Unova and ultimately challenge the Elite Four of the Pokémon League, and its Champion, to complete the main story.In addition to the standard gameplay, the player will also have to defeat the games' main antagonist force, Team Plasma, a Knights Templar-esque group who claim that Pokémon are oppressed by humanity and seek to liberate them from their trainers.
What I Like About This Game
A fairly simple answer: I like pokemon and being able to catch the newer pokemon featured in the game. I also enjoyed battling against the antagonist since it was better written than previous games.
Key Features
- Unique battle system: double, triple and turn table battles
- Ability to trade and play with other player
- Ability to spend time with Pokemon via camping and doing minigames
- Customization of avatar
Why I Chose To Talk About It
I had a lot of fun playing it when growing up and it helped me to make friend after I moved to a new school. I also enjoyed being able to spend more time building bonds with my pokemon, trading and battling with friend. I enjoyed the antagonist as well since it was fairly better written compared to previous games.

a recreation of the two teams that I had when I played Black & White