Where the art speaks for itself.

At Untitled, our mission is to create a space that celebrates the beauty in unfinished and untitled art. We aim to showcase works that may have been forgotten, incomplete, or never titled, and give them the recognition they deserve. We hope to inspire and encourage emerging artists to embrace their creative process, even when it feels incomplete.

Our Mission

  • Creativity & Autenticity:

    At Untitled, we celebrate creativity in all its forms, and we recognize that unfinished and untitled art represents a unique and valuable form of creativity. We believe that unfinished and untitled art possesses a raw, genuine quality that reflects the artist's truest intentions and feelings. We strive to honor and preserve this authenticity.

  • Diversity & Accessibility:

    We value and celebrate diverse perspectives and backgrounds in art, and we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive space for artists and art enthusiasts alike. Art should be accessible to all, and we aim to provide a platform for emerging artists and lesser-known works of art that might not receive recognition in traditional art spaces.

  • Education:

    We aim to educate and inform our audience about the importance of unfinished and untitled art, its place in the art world, and its potential for creative expression.

Our Values




We are Works in Progress.

Welcome to our website! Our names are Alex McKane, Marco Lam, and Nyx Zhao.

We are a group of art enthusiasts who believe that unfinished art has a unique and fascinating story to tell. Whether it's an abandoned painting, a sculpture left half-finished, or a sketch that never made it to the canvas, unfinished art offers a glimpse into the creative process of some of the world's most talented artists.

We share a passion for art and a desire to explore the world of unfinished art. Together, we have spent countless hours researching, curating, and showcasing some of the most intriguing unfinished artworks from around the world. Our mission is to bring attention to these forgotten and overlooked pieces, and to help art lovers appreciate the beauty in the unfinished. We believe that by showcasing these works, we can inspire others to see the creative process in a new light and appreciate the beauty of imperfection.

We hope you enjoy exploring our website and discovering the fascinating stories behind some of the world's most intriguing unfinished artworks. Thank you for visiting!