Korean temple roof overaching the background of modern buildings

This is my beloved hometown

Having been born in South Korea and having lived closely alongside the native Korean side of my family, it goes without saying that I consider this place my home country. Being surrounded by a close-knit community within a large bustling city acted both as a safe cocoon and a playground to constantly expand my horizons.

Red-hot spicy rice cakes in the process of being made in a typical Korean street vendor

Street Vendors

One of the hallmark tell-tale signs of being in the correct neighborhood is the aroma of spicy goodness! Sure, all spicy rice cakes are pretty much consisting of the same ingredients, but it still tastes a little different with every street vendor. The vendor in my neighborhood always boasted of having one of the spiciest and thickest chili sauces that covered each and every bite. I still fondly remember the old owners who always gave me extra servings, chiding at me to eat more.

Scripture stone with the Korean poem regarding a wanderer carved into

Stone Writings

A Korean neighborhood is never complete without a text-containing stone or two. It doesn't really matter, whether its writings consist of Buddhist scriptures or poems. As long as it provokes meaningful thought, it is a welcome addition to anyone's daily routine.

Sentimental Locations