The Adventures of Davoodi
A catalog of stories in CS103
Final Project Presentations - Davoodi Proud
December 9, 2022

With lectures being completed and students presenting their final projects, Davoodi has the opportunity to sit back and see the fruits of his labor. Braving through the rain, sun setting early, and countless students falling ill, Davoodi brought his best throughout the semester to teach students the fundamentals of web programming. CMZ caught a common gesture of Davoodi showing when he is proud.
Important to note the slight wrinkles around his eyes and the subtle head nod. This is the ultimate level of praise for students of CS103.
The Signature "point" of Davoodi
December 7, 2022

As we've gotten to know Davoodi's teaching style a few common gestures have come to light when he has a moment of "aha". The signature "point" of Davoodi marks when a student comes up with a good point or points out something Davoodi had not previously thought about.
The gesture is usually followed by the remarks "Ah good point" or "Extra Credit for you". Students have come understand the gesture and the remarks combined as the ultimate praise for their thinking in CS103.
Davoodi Solves Tech problems on Day 2 Of Presentations!
December 7, 2022

After a solid 2 days of presenations the transistions were smooth and flawless. Then suddenly everything changed. Two groups in a row tried to set up there computers to present, but nothing worked. After a breif moment of silence and a slight prayer for things to workout, Davoodi jumped into action. First checking the cables to make sure they were properly plugged into the walls and the computers, he resorted to the age-old and time-proven method of blowing on the cables. With this trick and another check of the cables the screen came to life.
After solving the issue and saving countless minutes for groups to present, Davoodi confidently strutted back to the side of the room holding his coffee cup. While leaning against the wall, arms crossed, he proudly watched as his students presented their final project website with no more technical issues. As the students presented their work he periodically nodded while making comments such as "wow!" and "nice work!". After the students finished presenting, Davoodi walked back up to the front of the room and re-checked the technology for the next group so they could be ready to present.
The Start of Presentations - Davoodi Intrigued
December 5, 2022

With a long semester completed and Davoodi sucessfully presenting how to use HTML, CSS, and Javascript, he could now relax and watch the fruits of his labor. The presentations started off with multiple groups showing amazing foods, artworks, and passions in the class. Yet, when one student presented there website, it was clear their coding skills stood above the others. He introduced a website showcasing many different news articles about financial news. The articles updated every month and had an artificial intelligence scan the articles and categorice them accordingly. Davoodi was clearly intrigued from the outset. Leaning and eyes locked on the screen, this group had his attention.
When the group completed their work and asked if anyone had any questions, the class gave their applause, and davoodi walked to the front of the room. He stood behind the podium condidently and looked at the group that just presented. A brief moment of silence fell over the class. Then he asked with enthusiasm and intruge, "How did you do that?" The group responded with the code they used and the logic behind how they implemented it. Yet, Davoodi still wasnt satisfied and had more questions. Due to the time, Davoodi had to control his enthusiams and curiosity of how the group implemented their code and gave way for the next group to present.
The Start of Presentations!
December 1, 2022

December 5th kicked off the presentations for all the final projects starting off strong with a website made for the swiss music artist with her contact information available in the page. A fun addition to the website was the moving picture that was front and center at the beginning of the presentation.
After some severe technical difficulties the class eventually moved onto a page about the past two years, with a sleek design and intriguing content. Next was a website about a dating website with popular spots that are fun dates. Art gallery one with pictures of food and iceland. Another picture page. And the last one was a page about art.
Overall, it seemed like a strong first day with lots of pictures that kept the audience engaged with all sorts of different CSS designs.
The Class Photo and Important Notes Before the Final
November 28, 2022

This just in, Mr. Davoodi asks permission from the class whether or not to be in the annual CS103 class picture. From what it seems no students left the class resulting in a fairly good photograph. Mr. Davoodi went so far as to wear a nice maroon button up to class.
Additionally as a final gift for the last lecture Mr. Davoodi gave out the questions for the final exam to his students, some of which were given verbatim. Surely the class of CS103 will be very grateful for his kind offer.
As we are all going into finals week it is a refreshing point of view for a professor to aid his students in such a way. In this day in age it feels so much like professors are working against their students but Mr. Davoodi proves how this is not the case for him with this gesture of goodwill.
We Show and Davoodi Tells!
November 15, 2022

The first day of CS103’s show and tell kicks off with a fury! With the first days groups launching into presentations about TypeIt, an image carousel, and light booth. It really goes to show the commitment of the class of CS103 to the art of creating beautiful web pages.
With 20 presentations in total there were beautiful presentations that showed the prowess of the class of CS103. Congratulations to the amazing presenters who gave it their all and taught the class how easy it is to create interesting and amazing pages of beauty on the internet.
Solving Problems and Helping Students - Davoodi Teaches Web Programming!
November 23, 2022

Today started off the journey from HTML and onto the CSS delve into making our websites beautiful. We started off with how to code the CSS files, which is dramatically different from HTML. Firstly, CSS has to be very specific in its code, if a single depiction is incorrect then the whole CSS code won’t work so being perfect is the only option.
With CSS a person can create wonderful web pages with the universal selector and are able to control the entire margins very easily. We learned the rules of cascade which is how CSS deals with conflicting codes battling for control of the same selector. We also learned how to link an external CSS page from our HTML, which has to be in the head of the HTML or else that will not work. However there are multiple ways to code CSS into your HTML, in-line, external and internal.
All this brings us into Lab 2 which was a challenge to say the least, requiring the class to rotate a premade HTML page. At the end of the day, not only did the page look interesting with cool margins with different colors, but overall a fulfilling week of CS103!
Thanksgiving Break, Davoodi Cancels Trip to India!
October 20, 2022

As shown in picture above, Davoodi was clearly upset about having to cancel his trip to India. A lifelong dream of traveling to the ancient world of India was disrupted after rising prices caused plane tickets to be outrageoulsy expensive. CMZ caught up with Davoodi during lecutre and he shared his dissapointment. While he still plans to travel to india in the future, his trip is delayed until BU pays him more money.
India is known for its amazing food and is host to some of the oldest builing and cultures in the world. When students shared their plans for thanksgiving break Davoodi enthusiastically stated he wanted to go to india.
Davoodi Saves Thanksgiving
Ocotber 10, 2022

With Thanksgiving break approaching quickly and a challenging lab on navigating the intricacies of Javascript, Davoodi showed his generosity once again and provided students with the code to complete the lab. Students had come to Davoodi throughout the week and expressed frustration and confusion with completing the essential elements of lab 8 part 2. It was increasingly challenging with the lab being due on the day of Thanksgiving.
After some thought, Davoodi showed empathy and grace and relieved students of large amounts of stress by providing the code for them. With this the holiday break was saved and students could enjoy time eating good food and hanging with their friends and family.
The lab was to use Javascript to create an online calculator utilizing if/else statements and stressing the importance of order and functions within the programming. While the first part of the lab was easy for student to complete, computing a "Clear" function and a power function proved to be difficult. Recognizing this conundrum, Davoodi taught the proper way to finish the lab and gave students the code so they no longer had to worry.
A Rainy Day In CS103
September 28, 2022

Today marked a common but signifigant occurence in Boston, Rain. With the storm raging outside and slowing down the city, Davoodi came prepared. He donned his traditional navy blue rainjacket and braved his way through the rain to teach another one of his amazing lectures.
As he entered the classroom and prepared for lecture he noticed the room was slightly less full than usual. Most likely a combination of rain and tied students. Nontheless, Davoodi brought his undying enthusiam and signature laugh to those in attendance.
Davoodi Explains the Law of Cascade
September 26, 2022

As seen by his hand gestures, Davoodi is explaing the concept of Law of Cascade. According to lecture the law of cascade helps the computer determine which rules to follow when a CSS file contains multiple style rules for the same element.
The "cascade" determines that the style sheets created by students override the default browser style sheets, more specific rules override more general rules, and, if the specificity is the same, the later rule will override the earlier one.