Get to know the team that brings you CMZ!

Caleb Robinson (Center)

Caleb is a senior PR major in the college of communication who is soon finding a job in the field of communications. He learned how to code from professor Davoodi in the class CS103 while taking it with both Matteo and Zach. He is passionate about TV shows, sailing, and calisthenics. A fun fact about Caleb is that he was previously on track to be an olympic sailor for team USA. Unfortunately, Caleb suffered an injury and had to drop the team but he still trained with olympic level athletes and even sailed with them. He still stays active with the gym through body weight movements and calisthenics. Caleb also participated recently in PR proBono which is an event that is put on by the College of Communication as a 48 hour challenge for PR students to create a PR plan for a specific company for free!

Zachary Mathews (Left)

Meet Zach Mathews. He is a junior Math and Econ major with a minor in computer science. Currently Zach is on the club baseball team and plays catcher! You can catch him at the games anytime they play. He is also in the Greek Fraternity Sigma Epsilon and helped with the onboarding process for new brothers earlier this semester. Originally Zach is from San Francisco and enjoys going to the beach and hanging out with friends. Some of his interests include basketball, baseball, football and traveling! Zach has also worked on some very interesting economic projects allowing him to get a better understanding of different buisnesses and the inner workings of Wall Street.

Matteo Fehoko (right)

Matteo Fehoko is a PR major and current junior in the college of communication. He learned about coding from Professor Davoodi and then made this website for CS103. He is passionate about weightlifting, volleyball and food. Eventually he wants to go on to lift 1000 pounds between his squat bench and deadlift while being able to have a vertical jump of 30 inches. Matteo got into on the spot journalism through his major in PR and wants to continue on to possibly join a PR agency or internal corporate team.In his free time he regularly enjoys watching TV shows, especially fantasy ones that include dragons, knights and kings.


  • CSS template ZeroFour credited to HTML5 UPwebsite
  • All photos credited to CMZ Creative team.
  • All stories and web copy written on this web page is credited to CMZ Creative Team

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December 2

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The Start of CSS

The second of the big 3 of CS103.

Don't miss this in depth story about the how the class of CS103 delves into the world of CSS. Read about the next step of how the class learns how to make beutiful web pages with external pages linking to the HTML. Truly it can enhance the experience of the page through CSS.

Don't miss out on the other brillaint stories of CMZ! If you want to read just head right over to our stories page!