In last week’s lab, you should have downloaded:
If you didn’t, you should go ahead and do so now.
Launch DB Browser for SQLite.
Click the Open Database button, and find and open the university
database, which you should have saved in your lab2
folder in a
file named university.sqlite
Click on the Database Structure tab. You should see the list of tables
that are currently in the database, along with the CREATE TABLE
command for each table.
Some students have work-study jobs in which they work for a
department at the university. Let’s assume that we want to
create a table called WorksFor
to capture the relationships
between students and the departments for which they work. Each row
in this new table should include:
Construct a CREATE TABLE
command for this new table. Choose
appropriate column names and types, and make sure to specify the
primary key of the table and any foreign keys.
You may assume that:
Students have at most one job for a department, and thus a given student will appear at most once in this table.
Job titles will have lengths that vary widely, but they will be no more than 30 characters in length.
commands for the existing tables as models.
Among other things, you should consult them to ensure that your
foreign key(s) have data types that are consistent with the types
of the columns to which they refer.
Try entering your new CREATE TABLE
command in the Execute SQL
tab of DB Browser. Remember that you can run a SQL command by doing
any of the following:
At the bottom of the DB Browser window, you should see a message indicating that the command executed successfully.
Construct the INSERT
command needed to add one row to this
table. You may use whatever values you want, as long as you
observe the uniqueness and referential-integrity constraints on
the table. You may find it helpful to consult the contents of the
other tables, which you can do by using the Browse Data tab in
DB Browser.
Try entering your INSERT
command in the Execute SQL tab.
Return to the Browse Data tab, and look at the contents of the
table, which should include the rows you just added.
Download the following file:
and put it in your folder for this lab.
in a Python IDE or a text editor.
If you choose to use a text editor, instead of double-clicking on the downloaded file, you should launch your text editor and use its File->Open menu option to open the file. You may need to change the type of file that the text editor is looking for to All Files.
The file that you create must be a plain-text file. More information about what this means is available here.
In this task, you will continue to work with the university database. Here is its schema:
Schema of the database
Student(id, name)
Department(name, office)
Room(id, name, capacity)
Course(name, start_time, end_time, room_id)
MajorsIn(student_id, dept_name)
Enrolled(student_id, course_name, credit_status)
When constructing each query, we recommend that you follow the rules of thumb given in the lecture notes.
Feel free to work with another student on these problems, and to ask the TA for help as needed.
Write a query that finds the major(s) of each student in the database. The results of your query should be tuples of the form (student name, dept name).
Test the revised SQL command in DB Browser to make sure that it
works. Once you have finalized the command, copy
the command into your
file, putting it between
the triple quotes provided for the variable query1
. We have
included a sample query to show you what the format of your
answers should look like.
Now revise the previous query so that its results will include
students who don’t have a major. Hint: You will need to perform
, with the join condition moved to the ON
Test your query, revise it as needed, and copy the final version
into your file, putting it between the triple quotes for query2
Let’s say that we want to rewrite the previous query so that its
results are limited to students whose names begin with either C
or S
. Should the new condition(s) go in the WHERE
or the ON
clause? Why?
Go ahead and revise the query, and put the final version of the
query between the triple quotes provided for query3
Write a query that determines the number of students majoring in each department. The result should be tuples of the form (department name, number of students majoring), and the departments should be listed in decreasing order based on how many students the department has. This query does not need to include departments with no majoring students.
Put your final query between the triple quotes provided for query4
Now rewrite the previous query so that it includes departments with no majoring students.
You will need a LEFT OUTER JOIN
You may need to revise the aggregate function in the SELECT
clause. Make sure that you get a count of 0 for any department
that did not appear in your results for the previous query.
Put your final query between the triple quotes provided for query5
Rewrite the previous query so that it only includes departments with fewer than two students majoring in them.
Put your final query between the triple quotes provided for query6
Write a query to find the name and capacity of the room with the smallest capacity. Hint: You will need a subquery.
Put your final query between the triple quotes provided for query7
Write a query that finds the name and the capacity of the room that CS 460 is taught in. Hint: You will need to prepend a table name or a table alias before the names of at least some of the columns in your query.
Put your final query between the triple quotes provided for query8
Write a query that finds the names of all departments whose names consist of more than one word.
Put your final query between the triple quotes provided for query9
Write a query that finds the names and capacities of all rooms that have a capacity between 50 and 250 inclusive or that have a name that does not begin with the letter ‘C’.
Put your final query between the triple quotes provided for query10
Write a query that counts the number of students majoring in
computer science. Note: A GROUP BY
clause is not needed here.
Why not?
Put your final query between the triple quotes provided for query11
Write a query that finds the names of all students taking a course for undergraduate credit, along with the names and start times of those courses, and the names of the rooms in which the courses are offered. The result of the query should be tuples of the form (student name, course name, start_time, room_name).
Put your final query between the triple quotes provided for query12
The TA will guide you through a quick problem-solving exercise that you will complete on paper. It is designed to help you see how well you’ve mastered the key concepts involved in writing SQL queries.
Note that the exams will also be paper-only, so it’s important that you are able to solve problems without relying on DB Browser, on online resources, or on too much help from others.
Last updated on February 27, 2025.